Almost amazed no one has posted this up yet…
check out for more information. Dunno why they picked cingular to be the provider but i heard they might expand to other networks will see. Supposed to come out in June 07.
Almost amazed no one has posted this up yet…
check out for more information. Dunno why they picked cingular to be the provider but i heard they might expand to other networks will see. Supposed to come out in June 07.
no… they signed a no compete with cingular til 09… at least that’s what it said online…
i’m pretty sure everyone knows my stand on apple products :booty:
I saw this on another forum. I’m wondering how its going to hold up to real world abuse. Cell phones and ipods are in different worlds. Cell phones get dropped so much more than ipods do.
the R&D into this product is absolutely sick. I am sure they factored dropping it in when they worried about what kind of glass to use that will not smudge and can be cleaned by running on your shirt! The phone has a freaking proximity sensor to to turn off the display when you put it to your ear!
I definitely want this phone, just hate that its only for cingular
x2. Also just got off the phone with a budyy of mine. In which I asked. “Well i never had cingular so they will do that new sign up thing were you get so much off anyway so it wont be that expensive.” His replay was that apple maybe only selling them at Apple stores then you would have to call cingular and then proceed to get a contract. Which means no rebates no nothing. Pretty good business move on there part I guess.
It’ll only be a matter of time before it comes out on other networks. If its true that you can only get it at the Apple store than I’m sure people will be unlocking them and you’ll be able to use them on other gsm networks.
just read: Cisco is suing apple due to the name iPhone
Pretty cool technology, but I have absolutely no use for something like this. My phone doesn’t have bluetooth or mp3 capability, I don’t need it. Plus it would take me a year to learn to use it.
One thing that I heard is that it has a permanent battery, non replaceable…so what happens when/if the battery craps out? :dunno:
You can probably just send it back to apple to be replaced, but who that’s tech savy keeps a phone for more than a year. That’s usually when batteries start to not hold a charge.
They were talking about these on DVE this morning, and I thought I heard them say they were going to be made for all networks. I must have been mistaken. I guess i won’t be getting one of these after all.
I’ve been reading on other forums its just for cingular but I read somewhere its not going to be only for cingular. We’ll just have to wait until it drops and see who gets it.
I just went to cingular’s site and it has the phone right on the front page of the personal section. Looks like its going to be theirs for awhile.
i do… and i’m with jinnxy… i have no need for an ipod/phone/pda…
and what’s the big deal about the cisco deal??? so what? the apple trademark was filed but never even assigned to a patent attorney nor ever trademarked… cisco came out with the name first, tried to share and apple dismissed them and used the name regardless… they are trying to pull a microsoft (as they have been forever) but are falling short(again)…
UPDATE ON CISCO’S iPHONE TRADEMARK - Intellectual property is the lifeblood of Silicon Valley and we all have to protect our property. The iPhone trademark is owned by Cisco, as noted in your story. We (Cisco) had hoped to reach an agreement to share our trademark with Apple, yet they decided to use the name without our agreement, so we, unfortunately, are having to go to court to stop them from using the name. This is not about money. We still hope we can reach an agreement, but when your neighbor steals your property, you have no recourse other than to call the police and file a complaint. Full Cisco statement at:
overated just like the Ipod
ill stick with my treo
:stupid: … i’ll stick wit my LG-EnV
iphone owns you all… along with all the other apple products
apple > winblows
this thing will blow the palm out of the water, I wil definatly own one
please come to the garage this weekend so i can laugh at your comments in person… :bowrofl:
apple products own nothing but intel parts! ahah… palms are garbage and have been, windows based pdas are > … but pda’s in general are :weak: paying 600 for a phone is as dumb as paying 3000 for a laptop! something i’ll never understand.
You can buy a apple laptop for $1300, but I paid $3000 for my apple laptop because of the model and options I got and I think its worth every penny… we were not talking about whats a better value… just a better machine, there for money is no object. You can build a $3000 winblows laptop also… Please tell me one phone, or pda, just one that will even come close to touching the iphone… nothing
well the iphone isn’t released, so can i link you to phones that aren’t released yet? because there are some for sure! otherwise, why isn’t a treo or whatever the hell those other phones are not comparible? they are pda’s cellphones, email, internet, planners, mp3… the only thing i’ve yet to see if the amount of internal storage as the iphone, but hta’ts what makes it a new product!
i’m not here to argue… but a $3000 laptop vs a $3000 mac are very different things and the ‘windows’ hardware is much ‘better’ than the mac… i’ve seen the price breakdowns because my buddy just bought a power book or whatever they call them… it’s also hilarious how much more it is to get a black power book vs. a white one
don’t get all jacked at me!!! it’s the same shit… an mp3 player is cheaper than an ipod, an hp laptop is cheaper than a mac, and now a treo is cheaper than an iphone… notice the trend?
I guess you could link to unreleased phone, that would only be fair… The difference in price between the black ibook and the white ibook is the harddrive size, so its not just the extra money for the color.
I have been in both positions before, I build all the computers down here at the shop and have built many pc’s before as im sure you have. I went over my neighbors one day and he said I bought a new apple… I asked him… why the hell would you buy a pos apple… I played with it for about an hour, ordered a powerbook about a week later, ever since apple is all i have owned. The argument between mac and pc would take forever and there is no solid answer, its oviously up to what field you are into and what you use the laptop for.
The point I am trying to make is, I see no product thats going to be released this year thats going to top the iphone. Go to and watch the iphone keynote presentation, its about an hour long and shows all the features of the iphone, if you find anything comparable, please send me a link.