
you’re crazy…
as far as pda phones… palm > windows mobile.
if its just a PDA then its personal preference.

all windows mobile phones i’ve played with were PIGS.

& a big thing is there is more & cheaper(if not free) software for palm.
& yea you can use MS office stuff on palm

i agree I wouldn’t pay 600 for a phone either…my treo650 = $200

& i would consider a blackberry phone like the new blackjack over a windows mobile one.

i’m just still to be impressed with a windows phones…last one i tried was the Q…ehhhhh nice screen thats about it.

Yeah but with a 2 year contract requirement, it would be a waste to only use it for a year? :dunno: Paying $500 or $600 for a phone that you would only use for a year is kinda dumb :dunno:

“The 4GB iPhone will go out the door in the US as a Cingular exclusive for $499 on a two-year contract, 8GB for $599. Ships Stateside in June, Europe in fourth quarter, Asia in 2008.”

Yeah but aren’t you the one that said you don’t need bluetooth or your phone to be an mp3. To me that isn’t needing to be on top of the latest trend going on with phones. When I was with Nextel I had a new phone that they came out every 6 months. With Sprint if I didn’t have to pay full price for the phone I would’ve been had a new phone. I hate my a900 right now.

mac software catalog sucks…thats the main reason i don’t like them…beside them being pricy…other then that i don’t really mind them

as far as the Ipod & iphone… that are overated…people will get them cause its the “In” thing. & cause you will get saturtated with TV print ads for them.

1/2 the people who own ipods have them cause its an Ipod not cause it was the best then for what they needed…status symbol.
there are a ton of digital media players on the market that are better & cheaper then ipods but people don’t care…they want to be able to say i got an “ipod”

the phone…yeah its looks slick but there will be other phones on the market that are faster, have more meory, do more things…but it wont be an “iphone” so people won’t care.

same thing happened with the razr.
everyone & their mother had or wanted that phone…& it wasn’t that great…just a status thing. there were a ton of other slim phones better(blade, katana, LGwhatever) but they weren’t "RAZR"s so it did matter

people/consumers are retarded.

Yes I said that I don’t need all that stuff on my phone. Basically it needs to ring haHA! I do have a camera on there…but that’s about the extent to the bells and whistles. I just don’t understand why anyone needs a new phone every 6 months…I find it a PITA to get the numbers etc transferred to a new phone, and you lose everything else (ringers wall paper any pictures you’ve taken) Plus I don’t know, I just can’t see spending that much money on a phone that you will only use for a year, and then be bound to another year of a contract :dunno: I could use that $600 for a set of hi-flow cats for the Z…:dunno:

My mac does everything I need it to and if not you can load winblows on it, but I never loaded it on mine because I hate it and have no use for it.

Please let me know how there will be other phones on the market that are faster when the damn thing hasent even been released yet??? You dont know how fast it is to begin with if its not even on the market.

You guys keep on talking about these phones that are going to be superior, but give me some names / links to phones that will do more than this phone??? The phone is awsome, weather its the in thing or not.


there are always things out that are better & faster.
i’ll get you some pics & names…give me a few.

i sent some to gearhead a few weeks ago.
i have to find them

I got a nano because when I was looking in the market for a mp3 I wanted to spend 200$ and I wanted a color screen. The nano was the only one at the time had what I wanted.

As for transfering numbers and such. With nextel you had a sim card that saved your numbers. Just remove the sim card and put it in your new phone. I made my ringtones so again not a problem there, along with my wallpapers and games I put on my phone. With sprint you can take your phone to them and they will plug it into a computer and transfer your old numbers to your new phone. I make my own ringtones from sprintusers.com and send them to my phone.

Cingular users can also use 3gforfree to get free ringtones and wallpapers.

I find $600 to be much to spend on hi flow cats, but to each his/her own. You probably couldn’t justify spending 3k dollars on a camera that doesn’t come with a lens or a flash. You just get the body but I can.

this one is similar to the iphone but smaller
LG KE850

you’ll be able to use the PSP as a cellphone soon.

here are some other future phones


mot for media…but slick


google is building a phone with HTC… called the gphone
you can web/google search these
willcom R9

LG Shine

imate jaq3

im not saying that the iphone is junk i’m just saying its going to be a status symbol
& people are going to be riding its nuts like it seems you’re saddling up to do.

you didn’t look hard enough.

sorry forgot to put some examples
toshiba gigabeat couple slick models
sandisk SDX4 few models
creative zen few models
iriver cxw = slick
samsung yp series few models

just go to amazon.com & scroll through the MP3 players…there are a ton of color screen ones for $200 & under
some not as good as the nano & some better IMO

Those are some nice phones.

no… i’m not crazy, i just have limited knowledge, and to be honest, a lack of interest in the subject! haha… i was talking about palm vs mobile strictly with PDA’s… so yeah… point aside, palm and mobile are being lumped together ‘against’ mac… meanwhile mac has never made a phone and has no track record to back it… knowing nothing about it, i can still safely say that it’s yet another piece of overpriced hardware.

no doubt

dude… you can install fuckin osx on any laptop… i have an intel patched install on my desk right here… so what’s the justification for goign mac? the hardware or the software?!

i mean come on!!! something as simple as standard usb devices don’t work on macs OS, a buddy jsut got one and tried to use his usb GPS, no dice… basic applications don’t run on macs… it’s just a huge clusterfuck until macs starting coming with unix builds…

and i don’t know enough about phones and really don’t care!! i’ve had the same phone for 3 years… please refer to showtime… he’s the man about that kind of stuff… i went to him for information about sat TV and he hooked it up big time…

I still dont think the phone he posted up has more options than the iphone… to each their own, ill enjoy the product when it comes out. This kind of goes back to the purse thread that you defended the high end purses as I did, so what makes a phone not worth $600. When I want something, money is not an option, as long as I have it.

of course they are a good as the all mighty iphone…
im sure you had time to look up all the info on all those phones.

as far as the LG & the PSP they both are as good or better.

anyway…like i said

im not saying that the iphone is junk i’m just saying its going to be a status symbol
& people are going to be riding its nuts like it seems you’re saddling up to do.

When the nano first came out those mp3 players weren’t out. I was so against Apple products but I gave in and tried it and I have been pleased with it. When my screen crapped out on me I took it back to apple and they replaced it. Other companies I would’ve had to send it in to get fixed and been without an mp3 player for sometime.

damn straight

by basing the price on simply it’s name!

i’m wondering if making the keypad all touchscreen will suck… i can’t stand dialing a phone on a touch screen…