How many cars can you sell?

Either way, that’s a load of BS. That’s terrible that you are being hassled, when you actually have a dealer license.

Secondly, so who cares if I want to buy a car every month, and sell a car every month? Is it not my right to do so? I’d certainly pay tax out the ass on all of them, but shit. It can’t be my hobby? This is similar to the “1 gun per month” law, both are total bullshit. Are we really free if we can’t buy and sell shit as we please? I think not.

Freedom has become a cliche, we aren’t really free at all. Try to not pay your income tax next month to protest some new legislation in congress…oops, can’t, it’s taken directly out of my pay, more than I even owe, I have to do extra paperwork at the end of the year, to get my money back from the government.

…well you know…we all want to change the world…