How many cars can one legally register/or sell in one year in N.Y.S.?

Ive heard it was 5 cars allowed within a 365 day period without a private dealers license, from unreliable sources who probably just heard shit.Ive heard from someone that works at a driving school that is involved with the dmv ,that its hearsay ,bullshit, and it doesn’t matter how many because the dmv makes money off it every time so why would it matter to them.

Im looking for the answer from someone who works at the dmv or with personal experience who actually knows 100% the correct amount allowed.



I thought the limit wasn’t on registers it was selling.

Im not sure … but i do at least 8 or more a year … and no problems

that might be what i need to know then

ok good cause im only at 5, thanks.

I sold 8 in about 3 months… I hear you can only do 10/yr
not sure. Call dmv

LOL jo jo thats worse than me by far ive done 8 in 2 years lol.

you should buy my lude and sell it and make in 9 :slight_smile:

NAHH…just bought another car today :slight_smile:

in 07 i traded in 5 cars and bought 5 cars and no troubbles

thanks man :tup:

pretty sure its 10

you should just open a dealership


thanks man.

once im done with school i just might.

My not keeping a car habits are getting ridiculous i know.

I should just get a custom title "need a car ?, i got one ".
Or “nyspeeds underground dealer” haha

Here’s DMV’s take on it. If you sell more than 5 cars (for a profit) in a 1 year period or display 3 cars at one time you are (in dmv judges opinions) an unregistered motorvehicle dealer and subject to action. If the vehicles are registered to you it doesnt really count, because you could just say you bought it and didnt like it.
Open back title is a is a Misdemeaner (can be a felony) according to V&T Law.
DMV doesnt look for unreg’d dealers unless 1) its obvious 2) a complaint is filed
Doing under 5 doesnt exempt you from being an unregistered dealer. If someone complains that you sold them a car and DMV can prove you bought it to resell for profit you can still be charged. Where the five comes in is that after five the judge wont even listen to you, you are pretty much automatically guilty.
FYI: advertising establishments (papers etc…) are more than cooperative with providing information to DMV.

all the vehicles ive bought have been registered in my name and driven at least a month before i sold them. I sold them usually because i didn’t really like them as much as i thought, or i got a good deal on something else.

So am i good if i sell my car and get something else ,if its gonna be number 6 for the year?

i really appreciate the info and help man.

Dont register the car. Be the middle man.

^^ im not looking to sell them im just trying to get a car that works for me.

haha I used to have a friend like that. He can never make up his mind. With in a year: He bought a Trans Am, sold it and bought a Mustang, sold it and bought a Bike, sold it and bought a Altima.

That’s called title-jumping and is illegal(unless you’re a dealer).