How many cars can you sell?

Without a used car license? My brother has sold 2 cars in the past in our lot here in Monongahela. He currently has 3 on the lot. We do have a dealer and used car sales license, but these vehicles are in my brothers personal name. So a state trooper stops down today and asks if we have a sales license… I shipped him up to my dads shop to talk to my brother, we DO have a license, but the cars are in my brothers name. I dont see what he would be doing wrong… I thought you could personaly sell 5 cars a year or something to that effect. Someone had to call and complain, no way a state trooper would stop here in the pounding down rain to look at 3 cars on a lot. Any thoughts?

yeah. gay.

as long as u pay tax on the car,u can sell as many as u want,u aint aloud 4 or more cars set out f/s with out license;thre being out is many way he stopped,more unlikey someone called

10 before the IRS will audit

well there are 3 cars out there right now for sale… and one is a shell for basically parts only… but technically it is “for sale”… Im sure they cant do shit about it… its no different than people leaving their cars for sale in the lot by Wendys in BV. He paid tax on all the cars… plus one of the cars is not in my brothers name… its in my dads good friends name… so really he personaly only has 2 cars for sale.

I was under the impression it was 5 transfers in a month, then they come after you.

fuck em… i love to see how well my tax dollars are spent.

i was always told its 7 cars a year per person?

thought it was 5 per person per year

someone called and complained… i got a call about this once when i had a car for sale at work. do the cars have plates? it may not matter since your family does have a liscense though.

Odd, my friend has had well over a 100 hondas pass thru his hands in the last few years. Now thing is he used to work for someone with a dealers lisnces, so I would have to check if when they were title(well most were salvage) if they were in his or the dealers.

I know for sure he has probably scrapped more cars them sold, but def sold more then 5 in a year that were running/shells with titles. This was all in Fayette tho, not sure if it varies from county to county.

who would call about something like that!!??

The cop never showed back up… so who knows. Proably had nothing better to do that day. Some people really need to get a life… its not like the 3 cars sitting there looks like junk cars that are unattended. Oh well… ill let u guys know whats up.

Either way, that’s a load of BS. That’s terrible that you are being hassled, when you actually have a dealer license.

Secondly, so who cares if I want to buy a car every month, and sell a car every month? Is it not my right to do so? I’d certainly pay tax out the ass on all of them, but shit. It can’t be my hobby? This is similar to the “1 gun per month” law, both are total bullshit. Are we really free if we can’t buy and sell shit as we please? I think not.

Freedom has become a cliche, we aren’t really free at all. Try to not pay your income tax next month to protest some new legislation in congress…oops, can’t, it’s taken directly out of my pay, more than I even owe, I have to do extra paperwork at the end of the year, to get my money back from the government.

…well you know…we all want to change the world…

if its close to a residental area i bet it was someone living there

i have a friend that lives in yougwood thats a aty so if something comes up about this let me know. i can have him make a few phone calls

thanks guys