How many cars can one legally register/or sell in one year in N.Y.S.?

I don’t see any problem with it. There is no limit to what you can own/register.

I sold 4 last year, so far 2 this year.

At some point it would be cheaper to be a dealer.
If you register all of those cars and pay indivdual insurance, etc, you may be wasting money.

My brother and I have talked about starting a dealership just for the use of the plates alone.:biglaugh:

Between my brother , my dad and I we always had several cars in storage or needing transport, etc.

and none of us have ever done that :lol:

A few of my buddys and I were talking about doing the same thing, (just for use of the plate’s’) :headbang:, You need one soo frequently if you deal with cars…

Registering to be a dealer isn’t all that hard or expensive (compared to other state fees). However dealer plate insurance is a rather high from what I understand and it’s usually lumped in with business insurance. Maybe someone with more knowledge on that can chime in since I’m just starting to look into it myself.

^ Many years ago I remember being told, “All you need is a fireproof filing cabinet and a sign.”

Knowing NY there is a little more to it by now $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Well I looked into it a year ago and it was something like $450 for the state fees to get your license. That makes you eligible for dealer plates but you still need to pay yearly reg fees along with the insurance for them.

I think you also need a commercially zoned property to get a dealer’s license. They don’t want you selling from your house in a residential area.

A newer change is that dealers are required to be bonded now. If you have bad/lousy credit it gets real expensive.
Dealer plate use has restrictions. You cant just use it on whatever you want (and yes i know alot do). I have been involved with removing dealer plates from dealers that are not using them properly. Transporter plates are more usable and you dont need to register as a dealer.
You can download an application to be a dealer at form #'s VS-1 and instructions VS-1.1
you also might want to look over a dealer regulation book CR-78


I thought that was to be a wholesale dealer, or something like that.