So after I come to school today after the 1 hour and 15 min wait on the parkway to get here. (Thank god I leave early) I have to go into the expensive lot witch is 15 f*cking dollars to park. Did I mention I also work in oakland witch intern means i have to pay to park every day also. So lets calc. this up real fast to day I will be paying 25 dollars total in parking fees. Did I mention I live in monroeville? So including gas probably spending around ahh 30-35 dollars today… For pretty much just getting to work/school. Love it

So if this is everyday and you do this 5 days a week for a year, you are spending $7800/year on the low side. :frowning:

sucks to be you!

Riding the bus isn’t much fun, but it might be worth it.

park in 1st ave for 9 dollars downtown and park in that open lot behind the forbes tower open lot for 5 dollars… then 25 a day becomes 14.

Isn’t 1st ave about 10 blocks from the point?

what the fuck does that matter? pittsburgh is a whole 15 blocks and 10 minute walk… if you’re going to bitch about spending 15 bucks to park, then man up and pay 9 and hike it.

where do you go to school? don’t say point park, that shit is like 4 blocks… only thing closer is the art institute.

well i usually pay 5 (parking at the square) then go from there. Just traffic kicked my ass today and I would have been late as shyt if I didnt park at this one today. So really I should be blaming traffic for all my issue.

ps. where is the cheap lot Downtown? except foer the square because its early bird for 5

Gotta love that Pittsburgh 50% parking tax.

I didn’t read all of this yet…I haven’t the time, BUt park at the lot at the Mellon Arena its $7.00 aat the middle lot and less the further up you go away from town. You just gotta walk. DOWNTOWN SUCKS

I work uptown on 5th avenue, and i pay $5 a day to park. no big deal.

zero dollars to park
3miles from work
3 miles from the city


park on my street for free, and take a bus into downtown oakland…dependin on where u work

you forgot to mention rt 51, the tunnels and greentree.

the lose.

first ave was always the cheapest, next to the jail… mellon center and 2nd ave (out past the jail) are like 7 and 5 bucks…

the oliver garage was always a few bucks less than kaufmanns and or oxford… like 11 bucks

park for free at Schenley park and take a bus to downtown

$3.00 a day to be aggrevated and have to ride a packed bus vs. paying 2 more dollars and being downtown already… F riding a bus… maybe if it was free

living & working in the sticks>*

I usually park at the gateway garage ($14-$19), but I expense parking anytime I’m downtown, so it’s a little different for me.

I work at the north shore by the heinz lofts. I park on the roads for free. Most of my clients are in town, so a short walk over the bridge is all I ever do. Walking ain’t that bad.