So far, the day has been great!

I wake up today, early to go to court (damn traffic ticket appeal downtown).

I get into court, the cop shows up (d’oh). Walks up to me, and says “What do you want to do with this?”

So I’m like “Honestly, I just don’t want points.” So he says “Ok, hows 5 over, no points and a $35 fine”. I of course take that offer in a heart beat, since I was doing 27 over.

So I walk out of the court room, head down to the first ave garage to pay for parking, reach into my pocket to look for the ticket, and what is this i find. But a $20 I must have left in there from forgetting to take it out before washing.

SoI get home, and realize… look at this, dont have to be at work till 3:30!!! Nice!

So now i am sitting here, throwing a filet n the grille, and making myself a damn good lunch. Heres to the rest of my day, and to all of yours too.

If you guys are having a day like this, post about it

i just woke up

glad you are having a great day jay! :slight_smile:

you better not of door-dinged the vw in the first ave garage…

I smelled gas in my house last night and spent 3 hours with the gas man trying to figure out where it is coming from, here it turns out that the service line is bad and I need to get a plumber to dig up my yard and redo it. They shut the gas off and I spent the rest of the night at my mother in law’s house. My day started shitty and will be even shittier when I hear how much the new line will be. happy fucking new year :frowning:

I was parked on the third floor

i woke up… still alive… good

came to work, no bosses around… good

worked on pittspeed for a few hours… good

worked on my real work stuff… good

getting ready to go to lunch… great

werd… i’m always on 1 or 2.

i got to work early… took care of some junk… going to take care of the rest of my work for the day…

then going to lunch…

today isn’t a good or bad day.

weather is mediocre…

yay western PA

that place is expensive to park in

ha, woke up read this post

Had to get brake drums re-machined (thanks Brian!), came to work, bosses are back ( :frowning: ), boss is now a grand-pap, no customers called today to harass me about where their unit they ordered 1 year ago is, not much to do.

So, on a scale of 1 - 10, I’d rate today a 5. Not real good, not real bad. :slight_smile:

woke up at 8 went to breakfast, came to the office and sat for a couple hours, ate lunch, calling it an early night gonna play some pool and then hit the casino

$195.00 a month

it’s one of the cheapest places in town.

Came back to work today after having 2 weeks off and can’t seem to get motivated.

The mens room overflowed into the hallway before lunch and I just heard someone yelling about the ladies room. I think it’s time to go home.

had ok to i checkd my one email account and said my password for my other account was changed. tried to get access nope, tried nope, tried again nope. then thought try my old password. yep. damm EX checking my shit. bitch told me to leave her ass alone but now checking up on me… i bet when she did check it she was pissed

rant off…

i had to say, today was a good day.

i got total happiness on my shirt at lunch time and the pepsi guy took out diet and put cherry pepsi back in, jeah!!!

well… not at $5/hr when you dont have a lease there lol

yeah… they fuck you… i have to pay the same rates… it’s beat… like 5 for a half hour then a dollar for the next hour on… they just max you out @ 14 a day… at my office in philly parking is 19 for the first 1/2 hour and up to 26 a day… totally ridiculous.

i did however get lunch at a local spanish join downtown… got to talk to a hot ass spanish-american chick… hot girl + broken english = teh win

i woke up at 530 for work, went to work, almost got shot by 12 angry people when we blocked traffic to back a tractor trailer in a street in mt lebanon off of 19/washington rd. then went to canonsburg to pick up the other part of the shipment, left to go home at 530, i just got home now… im really pissed about not going on this trip too! the shipment is going to the top of texas, and when their done they are going to hit up vegas for a night or 2 !! :frowning: i wanted to go

look again it was probably the new diet cherry pepsi. mmmm :beer: good.