So far, the day has been great!

work in the AM woke up my neighbor got a call saying my car needs a muffler and i shold look into getting one :rolleyes: … fucker its only 5 am !!! then work which sucked then home but going to see my punk rock chick so the night will be good :slight_smile:

:zzz: wrecked my sisters car :rolleyes:

woke up, went to work, stripped an audi a6 to bare shell, finished off my copenhagen-- got pissy, came home, no mail, went to garage. Tested fuel pumps to see which flows more (stock rabbit or paxton pump), the stock pump is dead. Paxton flows 16 oz in 10 seconds… Came home, showered, and now im whoring the internet. I’ll eat something tomorrow, a i didn’t eat today. today on a 1-10. 7.

It porbably is only a 4, but my days have been 1’s lately, so no drama= teh win!