Shift Worthy News Story

Unions were once needed in America but their time has passed. Now all they do is just protect the bad employees. I used to work an exempt position and had to deal with union employees, a few were great but 4 out of every 5 were lazy and didn’t do a damn thing and didn’t give a shit because they knew they couldn’t be fired.

Worst part is you can’t reward the good employees because that’s not fair.

Low wages? Not these folks making $30 an hour with zero education. They made more than me as a first year engineer

One does not simply walk into the union and land a $30/hr job. Years of experience and EDUCATION, get you to that mark.

I’m not disagreeing about there being some lazy sludge users. I would argue the fact that:

  1. There is no way to quantify if the union has any more lazy sludge workers than say…NYS DMV offices.

  2. The claim that union employees aren’t skilled and or educated people. Education is not just attending a 2yr or 4yr college. Any form or training whether formal or informal is still education. Our education system is in shambles, relatively unchanged for 60 years. Someone training in the field as a technician has to learn new things on a daily basis.

Rosetta Stone…education.

2 years of night classes while performing duties as an apprentice for a union…education.

I am not a union employee. I am not for, or against unions. They are skilled professionals (mostly) and have their place in America…because they can.

I thought this was going to be a decent conversation at first. Damaging the credibility of unions based on …

“I knew a guy once who shit in my buddies thermos…he was union”


“Union guys are uneducated burdens on society”

is straight stupid.

Sketchy…you have been bouncing from one local forum to another for years complaining about your job:

I need part time work…my job sucks.

I want to get my CDL and drive trucks.

I want to buy a buffer and detail all the things.

I want to get ahead but I’m still a temp after “x” years.

"Hey guys look…I can grow a forest on my face and fit a jack handle through my ear lobe… But I’m still miserable with my job.

How can you POSSIBLY think, your opinion holds any weight.

I like you SketchBall…I really do. But, you turned down help a year ago from a Shift member who could have gotten you into a well paying job you would enjoy…and you didn’t even honor him with a response.

More discussions about unions please. No hearsay. Facts are good.

Is UPS delivery unionized?

i’m sorry what i meant by zero education was no college degree. 95% of these guys/girls have no more than a high school diploma or ged

i’m not not saying all union employees are bad, i’m just saying that it’s too bad that the unions protect the bad ones

Where I work is union optional and unfortunately doesn’t seem to be filled with the hardest working crew. Its unfortunate unions can be a great way to protect the worker but seem to be easily abused.

Onions? Why is everybody so upset about onions? Life’s hard enough as it is, you don’t want to cry anymore.

I’m dyslexic.

Blowing up.

You can also see the other side of it when big business did not allow a union. Used to work at Wal-Mart when I was in college. Let me tell you they shit on their employees there.

If you were there for a long time and made decent money they would find any way to fire you they could. Also, they could give a fuck about your free time. As long as you made under or close to $10 an hour and stocked shelves you were fine. If you made more than $10 an hour and sneezed you were fired. They would then rehire you in a month for less than $10 an hour though.

Healthcare was also very expensive when I was there. Luckily I got it through school or it would have been 30% or more of my total check.

Then you need to take the blinders off and understand his point better. He made a short quick response, and you jumped to conclusions. Then he put more detail into his response, ya read it, and now understand his point.

And I get ripped on all the time, for NOT posting short and sweet, becasue I skip that step and put thought into my responses. :dunno

It all boils back down to the piss poor work ethic too many in this country strives to abide by. The lucky enough ones to get a union job, a state job, or other way too big and powerfull “once your in, you cant be fired” places, they just milk it. If I look around my office right not at my state agency, less than 1/3 of them are the ones pissed at the other 2/3’s that just sit around, dont do shit, bitch when they actually have to get something done, and play the “just drink the coolaid and get paid” card, throwing it in my face one of the few that is pissed off from being held down in my job.

I have worked in the same field for 8+ years at 4 different places. The best one I worked for was a private owned 50-100 employee company. The worst was this one at the state. GE was a close second, I was contracted in there and the GE employees all touted the same “I cant be fired” BS and once again a majority were lazy, and just went to work, hid in the corner out of sight out of mind, punched out and went home.

Does that really surprise you? You think you should be paid some high wage for showing up to class for four years? No on the job experience?

So called “Engineer” wages are directly tied to one thing; supply and demand. There are so many young “engineers” out there, of course there wages are suppressed.

For me, education isn’t the dipstick into your text book history of life.

I had an opportunity last year to get my foot in the door at the Local 7. I would need to put in 4 years before I came out ahead. Had I been in a different situation (House;Cars;All the hobbies), and a little younger, I would have jumped on it.

It’s not for everybody. It’s not this GLORY HOLE at the end of the rainbow. It’s years of hard work, education, and experience to get to the pot of gold.

If you suck at life…and are a lazy slob complainer “BOO HOO unions are lazy too and they make more paper.”, you will fail at the union game just as bad as your other life.

Union wages are not god awful staggering…“HOLY SHIT HE IS RICH” status.

Bust your ass at ANY JOB…in ALMOST ANY field, you can get yourself to high earnings with little formal education.

Average UAW employee cost is over $70 an hour which GM said equates to roughly a $30 an hour wage, and this is just the average worker.
Average Toyota employee in America cost is $44 an hour

I don’t have a problem with unions but when the companies fails to be profitable American taxpayers who on average earn less than half of those union employees should not be left footing the bill.

I’m just going to say that education as in the formal kind is mostly a fucking joke. It prepares you for nothing that even remotely resembles the real world. However if you do go to school and get a good degree from a good school it WILL get you somewhere should you happen to have the ambition to let it. To say people who haven’t done this and instead put their blood sweat and tears into learning ON THE JOB skills isn’t educated is fucking ignorant. 9 times out of 10 you’ll learn 400% more from on the job training as you would your yuppy cappa beta dicka clown college.

I fucking love onions but they give me heartburn.

i don’t think someone my own age, with no more then a high school diploma doing a job a monkey could do should make more than someone with an engineering degree. i should have specified i’m not talking about 50 year olds who have been doing this for 30 years

When you people go on job interviews, do you just set it there and answer questions, or actually interview the potential position back?

If you are a hard worker, wont take shit from bullshit upper management, stand up for yourself and the good co-worker next to you, want to succeed, etc… if you ask the right questions PRIOR to taking the job, you might not end up in a bullshit position, complaining about your job.

If more people did that and TURNED DOWN shitty jobs from shitty employers, guess what, that job would only be full of shit and turning out shit product… and eventually go under or realize they need to get better and change their ways. But the “economy is tough”, “I will take any job I can get”… all thats doing is stoking the fire to be taken advantage of. When the employer knows that you NEED their paychecks, they WILL bend you over. BOTH have to work together, flip that around on them and watch how it works. You know they NEED good employees, DONT bend over.

YES, I bitch about my job too. Because I cant stand seeing this place function with their heads up their asses. I stand up for myself first, and my department 2nd. I’v refused to do alot of “orders from management”, because I know it is dentin for failure. Sure enough, it bombs when they do it anyway, then ask me to bail them out and fix it. Sure, I will fix your mess (its my job afterall) but you know DAMN well I will rub your face in it so the next time you might stand up to the upper, upper management and tell them it isnt going to work like that. In the last few years here, I have been promoted, never written up, and people here know not to try and fuck me over. One out of 3 bad ideas they have here are second guessed and decided against in my department now that I “opened my big mouth” so much.

// KK clifs. You dont need unions, stand up for your own employment.

I totally agree with you. However, this part of what I was talking about with Cossey. I work for a Fortune 100 company that posted record profits last year. That’s why it pisses me off when people say “UNIONS ARE THE PROBLEM”

Some unions have their issues, that doesn’t mean that they all need to be painted with the same brush because some people fail to understand how different systems and companies work.

QFT. I’m a field service engineer on high end biotech platforms. With NO education. Went to SUNY for 3 years and dropped out to work. Moved around a bunch. Jumped jobs. Worked at Dealerships. Etc Etc. I won’t put you to sleep with my story.

If someone schooled me on unions in high school, INSTEAD of pumping me full of bullfuckingshit “you have to go to college” rhetoric, I would surely NOT be in the field I’m in now. I knew NOTHING of unions other than horseshit history book exposure, until I had a union roommate well after school. :wink:

I’ve worked in industries where unions thrive and I’ve worked in areas of the country where “right to work” thrives. Do YOU want to be an experienced welder starting out at $12 an hour? Then move to NC, you will. No rights. No benefits. $12/hr. Sure its cheap to live there, BECAUSE YOU’LL MAKE NOTHING.

Union or no Union; Work hard. Don’t act stupid. Protect your neck. Get paid.


unions and entitlements are bankrupting companies, i don’t blame wal-mart.

i hate to say this but if you’re not happy at any job, for any reason, you have the option to leave and go work elsewhere. Why complain and keep working for a company if you don’t like what they’re doing to you?

i hate hearing people compain about work and money. “i’ve been here for blah blah years and i don’t make xxx yet, they are screwing me”. So go find another job, if you are a valuable employee and you can market yourself, your assets, and why you would benefit a company finding a job is not hard.
If you are a lazy slob who is too lazy to attempt finding another job then you’ll just sit there and do what you’ve been doing and complain about it all day.

Fair enough. Hence me getting out of there. I more felt terrible for the people that have been there forever. Who were there when Walton was still alive and the company took care of people. Then transition to firing all of them.

that’s what i mean, i assume you’re a young guy like myself. you worked while in college, then got something better. I worked at mcdonalds when i was 14-16, then got something better, and so on. I’ve been to that same mcdonalds within the past year and there are still people who i worked with there when i was 14, i’m 26 now. it’s sad, you just want to slap them and tell them they can do better. some people just have zero drive, and that’s all it boils down to

True lot of the same people working at Wal-Mart from when I was there recently. Although, getting a job is much tougher now. I was there for well over a year after I got out of school trying to find a job. Finally got a hook up and have been here for just over 5 years now. I am 28 BTW. So close to the same timing.

Exactly. I went to ITT Tech. Its no high end school by any means, but its 90% hands on teach and do what you are actually going to do in your job type education. It got me the piece of paper that got me in the door with no relaited expierence, which put that first job on my resume. While I was in school I looked at the older people there working on their 2nd or 3rd DEGREE and threw around their endless certification lists, but “cant find a good IT job”. Once we got into labs, I knew exactly why. Half the time they were taking smoke breaks, talking on the phone in the hallway, and asking ME how to complete a part of a lab. Thats why they are between jobs and bitching about how everything is holding them down. They are not good employees. Its not the employer.

If you see your employer failing, and dont like it, leave. Fuck um. You are not the owners. Let them fail. Go somewhere that wants good employees, wants to respect the, want to pay them accordingly, and wants to steamroll the place you just left to come there. THOSE PLACES WILL KEEP THIS COUNTRY THRIVING.