Dunlop workers on strike

So evidently Dunlop worker are on strike or something. I drive by these guys every morning and every evening from work.

I hate unions and striking. Its a fucking stupid concept. I love that many of these guys have minimal education and probably make well in excess of most of the people I work with who have masters degrees.

Maybe its because I was never part of a union but all they are doing is jeopardizing their company for personal gain. Some how that doesn’t sound like it should be legal, but of course it is.

Oh well, they keep driving up their benefits and wages and then Dunlop will be just another GM or Delphi.

umm yeah

this is goodyear that started this, this plant is not the one that initiated this

shitty for me cause all next wekk i gotta work at audubon


Didn’t know you worked there.

Whats the dispute?

Have you guys heard any rumors of Goodyear and Dunlop being bought by Continental? I’ve heard it, but that was a few weeks ago. Continental Automotive Systems bought all of Motorola’s automotive group this year, so I have to wonder.

You are ignorant! Get a clue before you shoot your mouth off. Guess your masters degreed buddies never taught you to listen and learn before you open your mouth. Typical white collar attitude. “I have a degree so I know it all, blue collar is overpaid and underworked.” Go back to your desk and play video games. Maybe that will help you pay off your student loans moron.

:word: ever since goodyear took over that plant from sumitomo they’ve been getting fucked left and right, and they finally stood up for themselves. props to the union

Educate me then. I know how union shit works because my father was in one for 20 years. So tell me how this is different.

Is ur father a rich man or did he make a decent wage that allowed him to support a family, put food on UR table, a roof over UR head, & he scrapped enough money together to get u through COLLEGE, right. W/O UNIONS &/or working ppl sticking together against CORPORATE GREED, we’d all be working for $5 bucks an hr, 12 hrs a day, 7 DAYS A WK, w/NO BENEFITS. Go look up Goodyears profits, they’re makin Huge Jack.

Just because your father was in a union doesn’t mean that you have a clue as to how a union works.

Soon to be Dunlop of Mexico.

It doesn’t? You are right, he never talked about it. He never told me about strikes and negotiations and mediation. I know nothing about it :cjerk:

And my father didn’t pay for my college. I did.

guys, he is asking to be informed.

Ok, Unions allow people who work on assembly jobs and other manufacturing and give the ability to live off there wages and provide for a family.

I am educated too, getting my masters, but I understand that if you don’t provide decent wages for these jobs no one would work there, its not a rewarding trade.

You say striking is stupid but it is the only true weapon that workers have.

Ok, Unions allow people who work on assembly jobs and other manufacturing and give the ability to live off thier wages and provide for a family.

I am educated too, getting my masters, but I understand that if you don’t provide decent wages for these jobs no one would work there, its not a rewarding trade.

You say striking is stupid but it is the only true weapon that workers have.

knew this was coming

shit, before i quit my job, everyone knew the strike was impending and all the retail stores were advised to bulk up on supply as best they could…

Unions had their purpose, these days the guys in charge of the Unions just sucker their members and employers out of good money and get rich off it.


i meant he was trying to get informed on the issue that is causing these guys to strike


reguardless of how you feel about unions and the value of unskilled labor, the simple fact is the work being done in these factories can be done for alot less in other parts of the world. buisness owners have no obligation to cut into their profits or sacrifice the success of their company to ensure american workers can uphold their comfortable lifestyle. and i believe modern day unions are setting themselves up for failure because they are not willing to agree to any terms that stagnent or reduce wages or cut benefits in order to keep their members employed. the age of the blue collar worker is over unless we do what it takes to compete in the global market.

Why dont you stop by their shelter at Sheridan Park and educate yourself instead of making ignorate comments online about it.

meh. If you do unskilled monkey work, you deserve to get paid accordingly…