Shift Worthy News Story

here’s a vid from the origional news channel who broke this story

I fail to see what working for a Fortune 100 company that posted record profits has absolutely anything to do with unions? Seems more like bragging to me. I don’t think you get the reasons I stated about why I dislike unions. To me, unions are a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist like it did several decades ago. A majority of the people in here with union experience think no differently than I do about this, with some of the same reasoning used. Just because you’re in a union and pay so much in taxes, doesn’t have any effect on my opinions and theirs.

YES. Great point.

Back to my original post…I was looking at “little picture” union, the workers.

EVERYONE here can reach out and touch a worthless co-worker…some of you may actually be that person. The work force is saturated with them in every field and in every business…and to single out the union as an overwhelming source is completely wrong.

I will admit 100%, I know little of “big picture” union positives/negatives.

This is not true.

I work for a small privately owned company. The owner is against unions to his core.

We have a couple pieces of machinery that aren’t serviceable by in-house technicians.

Multiple times in the past we have tried smaller companies in our area to service said equipment. JOKE. None of them had the expertise to solve this issue. They would stammer around for HOURS until they found something to hack for a temporary fix.

I suggested that we call in a union contractor. Holy fuck, I literally could have boiled an egg on his forehead. Reluctantly, I made the call.

MIND BLOWN. The experience level was not even in the same realm. Took the technician 2 hours. Yeah it was more expensive, yeah we had to hire out to a union contractor, BUT GUESS WHAT…we paid for educated experience and we got it.

You label a union as “not necessary” with no reason to back it up?

Just because?

I think you have the picture that high school text books painted. NYC steel workers hanging around drinking coffee and slapping nuts off each others hard hats. BARELY squeezing in an hours work before lunch.

IMO, unions can’t be generalized like that anymore.

This is seriously fucked up on the other hand.

Enjoy living in your scum built house driving a rat built car.


Did you read any of my postings in this thread where I backed up my “I don’t like unions” with reasons?

:rofl: nope.

I came to this conversation late. Maa bad. Will read.

madwabbit, i don’t think anyone disagrees that there are good skilled people in unions. the point is that they also protect people who would have otherwise been fired a long time ago

I find public employee unions to be a complete oxymoron. On one hand Democrats promote the idea that the government has the good of the people at heart, and then they turn around and say that public employees need unions. Isn’t the purpose of a union to protect the worker from being taken advantage of by their employer? Well if the employer is the “state” in the Platonic sense of the word, they have no need for a union because their employer will always have their best interests first. Theoretically, at least.

Having said that, private unions were a very necessary element in the early 20th century when children were working 18 hour days for nearly no wages. Now, however, with modern media and communications there is no need. They’ve gone from making sure members are treated with dignity (aka the slaughterhouses of Chicago circa 1918) to existing solely to feed the bureaucracy that they’ve created within.


What’s the job “a monkey can do” that you take great issue with? Skilled trades PAY WELL and they are actually quite in demand at this point with everyone and their mother deciding college is the best route.

You specify a degree and that you’re entry level, how much do you feel you’re worth? At 26 you’re fresh out of school and entry level, a FAR cry from someone that went into their field at 20 and now has 6 years of hands on experience and training.

Just like with the fucking thread where you bitched about me deleting 30+ posts by Boost Creep. :lol

LOLOL. I’m consistent as fuck.

:rofl :rofl

Some of you obviously don’t get it. Get to your 30’s and work for your money and you’ll change your tune on things.

Don’t blame the workers, blame the management that allows things to happen. Management is supposed to manage and they’re the one’s to blame when things go sour.

You’re right, management is to blame. They’re to blame for agreeing to the contracts that are bankrupting a number of localities and contributing to skyrocketing property taxes.

Nope. Try harder next time.

Good thing I was talking to you then.

This? Is this what you are referring to?

I read this the first time…and those are generalizations of generalizations.

As I said before…there are shitty people EVERYWHERE.

Shitty union employees can be defended by a union…shitty non-union employees can be defended by a LAWYER…or the state. Do you know how many bogus wrongful termination lawsuits are out there??

You hate unions because YOU have no use for them.

I’d like to understand your point, I feel I have things to learn from this conversation. But, I’m not really looking for “I hate unions because my daddy did”.

I will fully admit I know < 1% of this topic. But I will also say I can look at something objectively, and admit when I’m wrong. I’ve had a few good experiences so far. I know a few really hard working union members. Still nothing that makes me think…

Union = /America = 12-21-2012

I think I read somewhere that these employees (original article) weren’t reinstated due to union bullying.

i worked there when i was 22, so you could compare that against someone whos worked a job for 2 years where literally all you have to do is sit on a stool and watch a machine, if the machine goofs up you hit a button and the union mechanical comes down to fix it. you literally just sit there and hit a button if anything bad happens. that is not a skilled trade