Shift Worthy News Story

Was the button pusher the same union as the mechanical fixer?

Such a blanket statement you are trying to make.

I will blame whoever is to blame. Simple as that. Workers work, managers manage, owners own. One of them fucks up, and they all feel the pain.

If a business wants to be successful, there needs to be a level of mutual trust coherently between everyone involved. If someone drops the ball and points the finger at the next guy, it sure as shit isnt fixing the issue! If you’re not a part of the solution, your apart of the problem. If they worked for my company and had that attitude, they would be at the unemployment line faster than the GTFO could come outa my mouth!

EDIT, neg repped becasue I am 8 months away from being 30… thanks for making me feel old! lol


I make a damn good button pusher. TOTAL PUN INTENDED THERE! HAHAHAHAH

“skilled trade” is an opinion anyways, you will never win this one. My definition of skilled trade is an action someone can complete, that a total outsider cant just come in and take over. So I agree with you with your example

The ONLY way I could see someone making more money for their “trade” vs someone else next to them doing something far more taxing, would be from senority’s sake. If someone can sit there for 2080 hours a year doing pretty much nothing but press a big red button and make a call, for a bunch of years, they are nuts but still diserve incremental pay increases like anyone else.

But yeah, a dude getting paid $45K a year (even if he is on year 3 of button pushing) VS a dude getting paid $35K a year say writing the code to run the machine isnt “right” in my mind either.

lol try 60k+

If there was a guy there that after 2 years was making “60k+” for “button pushing” with no education, you applied to the wrong position…

exactly my point lol

back on topic, these dirtbags at chrystler should have never been re-hired. they don’t comment on the 2 years of backpay but i’m willing to bet they received that also. I’ll watch for it, i bet in another 6 months they’ll catch them adoing it again

So to sum this thread up… People are wining because other people make more money?

Tell ya what… if ya wanna make more money… be better at what you do or go find a job you can make more money doing. Noone is stuck ANYWHERE. I think there are bad apples everywhere, it’s not Unions fault. I do think they serve a purpose, even today.

I guess the moral of the story is… Life isn’t fair, work hard to get where and what you want and good things will come. Don’t be the rest of the population and whine because someone has something better than you and do nothing to make yourself better. There’s a huge difference between making yourself better and shining the spotlight on the other guy to drag them down.

i would +rep you if i could


Did anybody find out exactly why the arbitrator sided with the Union? Did Chrysler violate it’s own terms of agreement and policies? I can only assume they fired people instead of sending them to rehab first. Likely a wrongful termination case here, which is a problem no matter what they did. Typically when you lay people off for being lazy/stupid on the job in a big company you better make sure you have a mountain of paperwork, evidence, writeups to backup your point. Which should be no problem if the employee is indeed an issue.

I’ve seen my coworkers brother get fired at my job for drinking on their lunch brakes during the days when nothing productive was going on. Heresay this and that regardless, from what I’ve heard after he admitted to taking a drink on break, if he said he had a drinking problem we couldn’t have laid him off and would have had to send him to rehab.

There is a waste at every company, corporate, union, state, even small business. Unions are not directly a creator of waste, they are no more responsible for useless employees than any other major company that hires a bum, it’s the American lifestyle and culture where you’re not allowed to call people out on their mistakes and force them to take personal responsibility for their actions. We have to learn to address the issue and move on beyond that. People get too comfortable.

Edit: Working retail in the past the amount of entitled assholes seen everyday doing whatever they wanted and being offended when you called them out on their behavior is what made me want to strangle them and at the same time the root of the problem IMO.

It was literally a weekly occurrence where somebody would park in the middle of the entrance way blocking traffic and walk into the store. I would tell them to get the fuck back out and move their car as they failed to realize you can’t just park wherever you want and people would get mad at me for their idiocy. :ponder

Question: How many posts were made, and time spent, in this thread by non union members while at work?

i think most people on here are actually state workers, and in PEF

while doing my actual job on my other monitor, all of mine were.

If this place had 37 hours of actual labor for me to start the minute I got in, till the minute I left I would LOVE it.

But this place is only in existance to move money around in circles. Actually producing something worthwhile every day is not on its radar.

Of course we all know that lazy, unproductive workers are everywhere. But I think that the point several of us are trying to make is that generally, unions tend to breed this type of behavior by letting people get away with unreasonable shit. I’m not saying that if you are in a union that you suck and are a uneducated waste of space.

If this is indeed the case of what I think happened, then unions and the arbitrator did exactly what they are supposed to do and protect the workers from wrongful termination seemingly justified or not.

There is no way it’s the case of “yeah well fuck you, take them back”, it must have been in the agreement to be sent to a drug program instead of being fired. :ponder

But yeah, logic aside so lets go back to generics of “unions bad” or “unions good”, neither of which is right by definition as it doesn’t talk specifics…