Hostess out of business; 18,500 jobs to be lost

I agree with this part.

Unions fuck everything up. They make stupid ass contracts for these lazy fucks that say they will do this one job, for this much, at these times, for these benefits. It gives zero flexibility to these businesses. Look at the steel industry 20 years ago. All the integrated mills got beat by little mini mills because they were strapped down with union contracts and couldn’t reinvest in new tech. You get these union idiots who sign up to do one job and therefore only get trained for one job. The manager calls in sick or another important position, and the whole operation shuts down until he’s back because everyone only knows how to do their one simple piece of the puzzle. Without unions, people become more skilled and versatile because they don’t have any reason not to, they want to get promoted, they want bigger bonuses, they have incentives to work hard, and incentive for the company to actually do well. In a good business, workers get bonuses for productivity, aligning interests, instead of forcing the company to give higher wages for no extra productivity when they’re already going downhill. Labor should be somewhat variable rather than fixed when demand is fluctuating or at least be able to have workers switch roles during different periods to increase utilization of employees but nope, that would be against union contracts and everyone would cry about it.

So the company needed to lower wages or cut jobs to match decreasing demand. Wage cuts are better then job losses so they try lowering wages and renegotiating with unions which just fucks productivity even more because union workers have no reason to accept that because they’re safe behind their contracts and are, afterall, too uneducated to understand the whole picture. It all ends in a downward spiral of unsustainability.

The strike may not have put them under, but in the long run I wouldn’t be surprised if the unions did.

Without unions you wouldnt have the nice luxuries at your job today.

-40 hour work week

  • 5 day work week
  • OSHA and safety regulations
  • Fringe benefits (health, dental, vacation, retirement)
  • overtime
  • End child labor
  • Made sure people like Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie didn’t have total control over a worker’s life.

and so much more. Don’t completely hate on unions. They have given the American workforce a lot to be happy about.

Yes, and just like the government theyve become too big and too powerful. A union these days can destroy any company regardless of their success. Can you imagine if Mcdonalds workers got into a Union?

/\ they might actually remember my damn zesty sauce when I ask for union rings instead of fries?

If so, i vote YES for fastfood unions!

Your arguement on taxes is pointless and as usual proves nothing. If I say taxes are too high, and your argument is “that cantpossibly be they’re lower than theyve been in years”, youve made no point. I don’t care if theyre lower or higher now…theyre TOO HIGH. Stating that they used to be higher has exactly 0 bearing on whether theyre too high now or not, but thats for the good history lesson.

Did it matter that they striked? You don’t know and neither do I (stop pretending please) But the strike personifies the entire issue at hand. Its a down economy, the companies been battered by the union for years, unable to keep workers happy while still being able to grow their business. So, OF COURSE THEY WERE CLOSING WAREHOUSES if the union is making it impossible to keep as many shops open AND stay profitable. The fact that in YOUR sentence you don’t attribute the factories that were already closing to the labor issues and profitability issues, doesn’t mean its not related. I would bet it is.


](As Labor Talks Collapse, Hostess Turns Out Lights - The New York Times)

As Labor Talks Collapse, Hostess Turns Out Lights - The New York TimesHard to stay in business when you’re debts and bills are more than your profits… :skid

HOLY SHIT…OF COURSE THEIR DEBTS ARE HIGHER! THEY CAN’T MAKE MONEY BECAUSE OF LABOR COSTS…I won’t even get into how “sweet” the government has made it to be a corporation in this country.

Stop puking out what you see real politicians say on TV. You have no idea what these loopholes are, how much it costs to employ accountants to take advantage of these “loopholes” or the benefits of them. What about double taxation? What about indirect regulation fees and penalities, ect?

Getting offtopic regardless.

A man is saying Federal Government taxing is “absurd” and facts show that the top rate on the highest earners from the fed on income tax is some of the lowest it’s been in the last 80 years, which is a moot point anyway.

Not off-topic at all. A business is now closed. Ive gave several reasons it failed. Tied for first, Unions greed and absurd costs associated with the government.

Again your point that taxes may be lower now, does not have any bearing on whther they are too high. If taxes used to be 98 percent and they were now 90 percent, that doesn’t make them fair just because theyre lower :wink:

So you’re gonna say goodbye to every other union based company that runs in this country? Because they can’t possibly survive with greedy unions and assinine tax rate.

The company had one job. Make money. It failed. Goodbye.

What am I “puking out” that “politicians say on TV”. Use facts.

If these accountants cost more than they saved they wouldn’t have a job. Elementary kids can figure out this basic math. Same with lobbying. It brings in more than it costs. Economics 101.

Did strike matter? What part of company already filed for bankruptcy and was closing down factories since years ago are you missing? If a crashing plane loses a wing, it’s not gonna help but it’s not gonna matter in the end.

So far you prove nothing and bring no logic to the table other than your crazy rants and attacks. Enjoy living in your little bubble where greedy unions and extreme taxes cause the company to shut down ignoring the fact that there are countless healthy companies bringing in great profits under the same circumstances.

Keep protecting a failure of a business in compeditive market. It’s funny local gas stations already replaced most of the hostess products with knock off items. But those are probably made by robots as there is no way they could afford people.

At what cost?

I wish you would agree the unions had a time and place and were definatley necessary… but many have become too powerful and too political. There are plenty of reasons Unions were needed, and still are in many cases… but they have gotten way out of control and the adgenda has changed

Ignoring points doesn’t mean they aren’t there. I am not arguing whether THIS strike forced the company under, because you nor I know the answer even though you pretend to have inside knowledge. Im saying in the longrun the union (that was striking this time) in addition to government costs made it unsuccessful.

Im glad that you now agree with my notion that the company has one job to make money becuase youve had some issues with that statement in the past. Im not arguing that either, Im just saying the union and the government caused the business to not make money.

Yes 8th grade math is simple. Take a business who was once profitable, add unions, add high taxes, add thousands of regulations, add no incentive by the government to operate in the US = failed business

EDIT: Stop puking out thing of which you have no knowledge of just because you see it in presidential debates. Such as, loopholes when you have no idea what these corporate loopholes really are…and in advance your pending google search is unimpressive.

Stop pretending you have any idea where I get me information because you’re looking like a fool doing it. You’re literally talking about something you can’t possibly have knowledge telling me that I don’t have knowledge on the matter.

Pot meet kettle.

Equivalent of me telling you to stop having Mac and Cheese for lunch that you buy at Price Chopper, it’s been proven to adjust your brain chemistry. Talking about something you can’t possibly know about also known as making shit up.

Ironic part about you mentioning debates (which I didnlt watch, mind = blowk, I know!) and “wrongful information” being there is that there are TWO sides on a debate bringing up BOTH possible, usually opposite views to a problem.

I’ll humor you with some general knowledge tax avoidance methods: tax heavens, offshore private annuities, outsourcing etc.

I’m not sure what sources you use since googling is forbidden, but use whatever sources you have to look up the effective tax rate of many major companies, come back and report it, then say if it’s too high or not. Let’s put some numbers behind this.

Also how do plenty of other businesses survive and have survived to this day? If it’s such a hostile environment it would only make perfect sense for them to go elsewhere.

You should write every US company that faces the same taxes and unions a letter (a very serious one!) telling them they are doomed and they should sell out while they can. I’m sure they will appreciate the sound advice from the economist silverandslow1.

Incorrect. Per the standard.

PS. I don’t need google, I could argue my points face to face, I think you would have a hard time unless you have 4g on your phone.

Hahaha wrong again.

Posted on my 3GS.

Keep assuming things. :rofl