Hot Deal - Free Flat Screen TV's and 17" Monitors!


im about as far from a Democrat as you can possibly get

on a side note, lots of people on OT got their TV’s and monitors from this deal.

this thread sucks more cock than darkstar at a horse-ranch.

and thats a lot of cock…

Does anyone know anybody in person (ie. not from the interweb) who got free tv’s?

I hear a lot of people on the radio, internet, and infomercials who make $30,000 a month investing in real estate, but have never known anyone in real life do this.

ps. some things on the internet may not be what they seem

Did We Already Go Through Something Like This Before!!! And It Didnt Work!!

Because People Thought It Was Stupid To Give Out Their Credit Card Number!!!

for the second time on this page, this IS the old thread, Shag bumped it.

And yes, multiple people posted penny pics of their TV’s and the receipts. People were too scared to give out their credit card info, even though the sites were legitimate (Blockbuster, Wal-Mart) and there were options that you couild do where you didnt have to give a card (E-bay, but that deal had expired before I caught wind of this).

It was the same people that were giving away free Ipods, and there was like 300 or so people on OT that received free Ipods.

Some are just to stoned to not look at the dates :down:

or locked threads! :beer: