hot rims with chrome (split)

WTf, someone just came into my store with these same exact rims lol

Will these fit the jeep?

Blackest kid on shift by 100000 times now after this ad.

We tried putting them on his magnum.

Ha you guys would

So typical

could this thread get any more stereotypical. PLEASE BE STOLEN PLEASE BE STOLEN PLEASE BE STOLEN.

Oh btw, these rims are “hot” if you know what I mean…

“Are the rimz big? WHUUU”

negged for pretending to be gangsta, you dont run the streets all night and day.


thats a chop.

You should’ve kept that Caddy then got some all gold 13" wires.

I was actually gonna get 20" gold wires haha. Sadly, the deville was fwd and the rims woulda poked way out and looked ridiculous :lol

That thing was FWD? :rofl

Gold and green; ooooo-wee.

I would have got these before I went to atlanta, would have fit right in down here. GLWS

Someone buy these so he can buy my lens!

Wish these were 22" and 5x112.

Its between that or an Iphone. I hate my evo4g lol

Iphone ftw! Someone give this man double what he’s asking so he can haz iPhone and Canon 10-22!!!

These are very nice rims. I had a similar set on my 95 eldorado back in san francisco.
GLWS redwagen.
