HotBike Magazine feature...

Last Summer I was asked if I was interested in doing a shoot for a local custom bike shop for a magazine feature. Of course I said yes and couldnt pass up an offer like that. Time passed by and finally the shop owner/builder got his bikes back from a museum exhibit they were in and in late November it was finally go time. I just got the word today they will be used in the magazine and the photos were okay to display on my Flickr.

Overall I think they came out good, they may have looked a little better with the use of a few flashes, but I like the dirty dark feel the photos had without them. Afterall, choppers are supposed to be dark, evil, and bad-ass right? Rolling shots were out of the question as it was late in the year and the bikes were drained and ready for storage.

Both bikes were built by the shop owner, the red and black bike has air ride in the rear so it just about can lay frame. They are truly works of art with tons of little details.

Link to the rest of the shots on my Flickr (37 total):
Green Mountain Performance (more info on bikes):
Look for the full feature in an upcoming HotBike Magazine issue!

A few randoms from the set:

I like #1, #4. Nice work!

#1 is an incredible shot. Those bikes are insane!

absolutely amazing shots posted up here … i think these are your best work to date!!! … the lighting on the bikes baffels me … and the desaturated backgrounds make these bikes POP so brilliantly!!! great work KBB

for some reason this is my favorite

sick bikes, nice pics!

Nice Photos!! Keep up the good work!

hks ssqv bov inserts in the exhaust?

i like the bikes a lot.

shits dope… and congrads on the magizine coverage

God damn those are some nice shots!! Serious talent right there

KB, you have a true natural talent.

Great pics

Thanks for the comments guys!

I was worried about the lighting when I shot them but they turned out pretty good, it took me about 3 days, maybe 20+ hours to edit the 37 shots. And I didnt use a flash for a single shot either :slight_smile:

jim does it again! they look fantastic

nice work man!! awesome bikes too

i cant believe there arent more posts in this thread … this is probably the highest quality picture thread this forum has ever had … still cant get over how great this pics really are

Great work man - couldn’t visualize those pics coming out any better.

Seriously. I don’t think there is room for improvement

damn those are some sick shots

Wow! I can’t believe their wasn’t any flash used either! The natural shop lighting was perfect. Seriously great work!

What lenses did you use for the shoot?

i think for the majority of these he used a 35mm 1.4 and an 85mm 1.4