House Crew

:dunno: :dunno:



we gave up and called ANTHONY, the big cranes to demolish houses :kekegay:


you should have seen the cochroaches scattering friday, i think quik brought them from the ROX :dunno:

hold up your the one from across the tracks you bitch :madfawk:

if shaggy gets up off his ass we’ll be there tomorrow

I’m goin get my gloves back before you get there…


are you sure you want htem back after i used them :sex:

They’d be better than the ones you left me with holes in them :frowning:

You sure you wanted them after I used them?? :naughty:

:insert very funny remark here:

:bash: my lips are sealed :kekegay:

there either doing top end runs or Shaggy’s watching Quik try to do wheelies

ahhh shortly u will be doing the same :rofl:

top end run lol he shuts off at 108 :owned:

yea, just let me know if I have any taillights out… OK buddy

and I will let you know if one of your headlights are out

mmmk will do…

I cant drive that slooooooooooooooow.

you had to buy a bike to beat Shaggy… cause your Stang didnt…

didnt need a bike to beat shaggy truck > him