house for sale?


so i rethought my whole moving to an apartment deal, which is stupid becuase i could just buy a house and pay LESS monthly on mortgage… so…

i’m looking for a place in the pittsburgh area… must have 2 car garage… and working sewage / water… i’d like to spend as little as possible… but also would spend up to… say 40k on it? but preferrably somewhere cheap that i could just fix up a bit.

i will have a roommate for sometime, which is why we need a 2 car garage… but other than that i’d go for anything… the search is on. i’ve seen some half decent houses sell for 5k on mt washington… however it was on the street parking and such… there was a nice place in shadyside that sold for 34k which didn’t look too bad… 1 car garage.

so if anyone knows of some decent house… let me know. and ohsoghey i will NOT move to sto rox… but thanks… and shaggy… lets try to not go too far north. mmmk? thanks

must have 2 car garage… and working sewage / water… i’d like to spend as little as possible… but also would spend up to… say 40k on it?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: if you find one for 40 with all that you let me know to!

but ill keep a lookout

i did find a bunch… just not in the immediate pittsburgh area… there are a ton of good houses northside and up…

and i just mean the minimum working sewage and water… doens’t have to be new and fancy. it’s possible to find something like this… at least i hope so. :cool:

check…you can cutomize your search…you’ll ge tons of homes with pics
and pick up the Homes books(east, west etc…) outside of Giant Eagle etc… (like AutoTrader) but most of these are on

Me and the wife are looking for a home too, if i see anything i’ll let you know

send me a pm of what townships your looking into and what not, and all the other stuff, like number of rooms, and all the shit like that, i can prolly find sumtin for ya

I don’t know how much you can afford, but I bought my house last year for 65000 and the mortgage with taxes is like 530 a month. I was paying more for my last apartment in baldwin.

the place accross the street from my house is for sale, small 2 bedroom house, but its only a 1 car garage.

basically i’m looking anywhere within 10+ miles of the burgh… i now work downtown in oxford center and will bite the bullet for parking if a nice house is to be found outside the city.

my options are pretty open… but i plan on buying the house myself, or with another guy, but we also have another friend with a g/f that want to pay rent for a while… so that helps with the mortgage…

so a legit house could be had if it’s big enough… i would like a 2 car garage with some extra parking (i know thats tough) and 2 bed with an attic or basement that could be another room.

i know my shot of 40k is low… but i don’t have to find the nicest house on the block… something that needs a little work is fine with me.

i paid like 500+ for an apartment and clearly the best solution is to buy… i plan on being in the burgh for a little while, couple years, so might as well find something to buy and sell for more $ :cool:

i have no doubt you’ll find something for 40k but two car garage is highly unlikely. Good luck. If you find something in hazelwood, which for 40k you probably will, let me know the street. Not all of H-dub is bad.

40,000 in the city limits won’t get you much. i’d rent if i were you and i do real estate financing for a living. you will regret buying a 40,000 home believe me. so rent a nice place and have no taxes or up keep for a couple years or up your price range to 75-100 then you can get a decent shaq in oakland, northside, southside, bloomfield, squirrel hill, pretty much anywhere… just be aware of hidden costs of owning (ie. taxes, insurance, gas, water, eletricity, and even smaller things … shovels, a lawnmower, salt all winter, weedwackers, etc…)

Originally posted by rookee
40,000 in the city limits won’t get you much. i’d rent if i were you and i do real estate financing for a living. you will regret buying a 40,000 home believe me. so rent a nice place and have no taxes or up keep for a couple years or up your price range to 75-100 then you can get a decent shaq in oakland, northside, southside, bloomfield, squirrel hill, pretty much anywhere… just be aware of hidden costs of owning (ie. taxes, insurance, gas, water, eletricity, and even smaller things … shovels, a lawnmower, salt all winter, weedwackers, etc…)

yeah… like i said 40 was low. and i trust you know what your talking about…

however… i can’t forsee renting 800+ utilities a month as opposed to buying and paying mortgage… i’m still going to take a hit with taxes because i’ll be living in the city, regardless of ownership or not.

i have about a month before i’m ready to move… so i’m just looking as of now… but i’m confused on why it’s Smarter to rent for 3 years as opposed to buying? :confused:

and i don’t plan on living in pittsburgh the rest of my life… i just want to get about 3-5 good years in with this company then i’m out.

Originally posted by turbovw18
yeah… like i said 40 was low. and i trust you know what your talking about…

however… i can’t forsee renting 800+ utilities a month as opposed to buying and paying mortgage… i’m still going to take a hit with taxes because i’ll be living in the city, regardless of ownership or not.

i have about a month before i’m ready to move… so i’m just looking as of now… but i’m confused on why it’s Smarter to rent for 3 years as opposed to buying? :confused:

and i don’t plan on living in pittsburgh the rest of my life… i just want to get about 3-5 good years in with this company then i’m out.

I don’t think you’ll see a big investment increase only being there 3-5 years, unless you do a lot of work to the house and it is in a descent neighborhood to begin with. I could be wrong though.

for that market, there are alot of really nice houses in the McKeesRocks area.
no BS. just in certain parts are bad. some areas are nice. theres a house down the
street i think was selling for 35k. and my buddy and his family got a house
for 50k with a 3car detached garages with a swiming pool and large yard.

Originally posted by 2kaltima
I don’t think you’ll see a big investment increase only being there 3-5 years, unless you do a lot of work to the house and it is in a descent neighborhood to begin with. I could be wrong though.

yeah… i totally agree… however.

if i buy the house… pay on for 3 years and sell… won’t i come out ontop of renting a place for 3 years and moving? i would think so?

i was just joking about mck rox… like i said, if i find the right deal, anything is an option.

ill do a search on my moms computer when i get home from school and let you konw what i find

Originally posted by turbovw18
yeah… i totally agree… however.

if i buy the house… pay on for 3 years and sell… won’t i come out ontop of renting a place for 3 years and moving? i would think so?

i was just joking about mck rox… like i said, if i find the right deal, anything is an option.

I see your point, and you’ll probably make a few bucks by buying over renting but will it be worth it. My house needs tons of work. The house needs rewired, the plumbing is getting old and leaking, the walls need redone but when I get the paint off and find water damage and half to replace whole sections of wall, back on topic now. You never know what you are getting and for anything under 100,000 you will probably need to put a good amount of work into it. If you have no intention of staying, I think it would be better to just rent and not have all the headaches.

there are some real nice houses under 100k not every person can afford that
kind of house. or some ppl dont want that type of house. so dont knock the
cheaper houses. some houses are a piece but some are well taken care of.
you jsut have to look and see for yourself

3-5 years, you won’t even make your closing costs back. every payment will be interest only.

i rent a home on the slopes, towards arlington. and i have a full kitchen, bath, 2 bedrooms & mine is huge(the entire attic pratically)fireplace, a basement, yard, no crime problems, and no parking probs… 600 a month with utilities(300 a piece with a roomate) and i should buy (afterall i know how to do it cheap) but this deal is so good i have to do it. you just have to shop, that’s all. you can rent nice for cheap, this is pittsburgh, not NY. so just check the paper EVERYDAY, my place was listed for one day and we got it the day it ran.

Originally posted by rookee

i rent a home on the slopes, towards arlington. no crime problems,
u sure about that? i’d say arlington is one of the reasons south side flats is one of the highest stolen car areas in the city.

Originally posted by ohsoquik02
there are some real nice houses under 100k not every person can afford that
kind of house. or some ppl dont want that type of house. so dont knock the
cheaper houses. some houses are a piece but some are well taken care of.
you jsut have to look and see for yourself

That’s why I said “You never know what you are getting and for anything under 100,000 you will probably need to put a good amount of work into it.” Notice the word “probably”. :smiley: