Lving within City limits townhome?

Well i have been looking into a career change… and i have 3 conditional offiers on the table. one of them that i am highly thinking about would require me to live within the city of pittsburgh limits…

ive lived in the subburbs of the city all my life and know there are alot of nice places within the city…

im would be looking to start off renting in a town home 2-3 bedroom with garage and driveway…that what we are in now and working just fine…

anyone know of any rental communities within city limits

ive been told mt washington has some nice places

i would be looking move in time around september

My company is selling townhouses in the heart of the city starting at 250k if your interested. They don’t have garages or driveways but they do come with concierge and valet service. lemme know.

Don’t forget the city imposes a 3% wage tax, while most of the suburbs have a 1% wage tax.

yeah im well aware of that

i def want something with a garage and driveway…concierge and valet service. will be a little ruff with 4 cars hehe

spangler, you aren’t going to find parking for 4 cars and a garage in the city. and if you do, it’s going to be around 750k+… unless you really slum it and live somewhere shitty. I had a hell of a time finding a two car garage in some areas, but then again, i refused to live in a lot of areas in the city because of the garbage that lives there. Mt washington sucks geographically and socially, i wouldn’t live there long term.

where are you looking? I live in the south east part of the city, great area but it’s nothing like rural western PA.

and the wage tax is murderous, a strong vote for not buying a house in the city limits.

there are certain parts of Brighton Heights that I would live in. Spring Garden is not to bad either.

taht where we would be looking to buy

right now im just looking for an area to rent

find the worst abandoned lot in the north side possible, buy it for cheap and mark it as your primary residence while living outside of the city in your current house. all you need to do is build a shed and put a mailbox in front of it.

My uncle has a number of rentals if you are interested in looking in the Spring Garden area. All are recently refurbished, drywall, washing/drying machines, etc…

If you have an interest in at least knowing what you’re looking at, let me know and I’ll get you his number.

that dosnt use to not anymore…

i dont have a problem living in city limts there are alot of nice places…i just want to rent a place first before i buy a house

sent pm

My house on Mt. Washington has parking for 3 cars in the driveway and a 1 car garage. Since I just moved to North Carolina, It might be going on the market again. But I also might keep it and sublet it to one of my buddies, My company just paid the last 10 months of the lease off. I will let you know what happens with it if you are interested.

gates manor… its practically out of the city but considered city limits…full of officers and firemen…

grew up in breighton heights. its nice there, and pretty cheap. my brother had a 3 bedroom, 2 full bath, 2 car garage, fenced in backyard, full gameroom, only paid like 115k. his driveway held 4 cars also.

yes def let me know! sent pm