House to apologize for slavery

hahahahahahahah ohh man

At least i didnt say that…

I really don’t think anyone in this thread truly thinks like that. Or at least I fucking hope not. I know I don’t. We’re all people. And like you said, there are scumbags/psychos/assholes/whatever else in EVERY race.


yea, i realize that. I agree with you too. but this isnt just some rouge jessie jackson wannabe though. this is congress spending time and money to apologize for something none of us alive today had anything to do with.

Since no one probably clicked my link, yeah, the oil speculation bill that needs to get in isn’t going to make it in before the summer recess for congress because there’s not enough time for debate. So instead, lets use the time on this :tup: :fail:

:bigclap: Amazing how the government works (or doesn’t).

Are you OK?

I wish I could use the word “nigger” (it’s ok cause its in quotes) in my everyday vocabulary, Afrank is my hero for such.

Does anyone else see politics as a chance to bitch. Hi I forgot my coffee this morning, I’m cranky lets talk about politics to take the edge off. This shit is seriously getting out of hand.

If the african american race, god help if you can prove that you descendant of a slave (which is going to be a fiasco in its own right), deserves reparations, what about the others that were forced into slavery. Someone said it already, about the white man that was a slave back then. Or the Japanese that were tossed into jail because of the bombing of pearl harbor, they deserve something if anyone.

There is seriously more to worry about/ bitch about than reparations, get this fucking economy back into shape before you give out more free fucking money.

in reference to the OP story - hahahahaha


Meh its not part of my everyday vocabulary i just use it to exemplify how ridiculous some of the complaints are. :meh:

hehe, moon cricket, how can that be racist! Its so cute!

fuck them, they got enough benefits, they take up all of unemployment, and every other fucking hand out there is. and its not like any of these fuckers are the ones that got enslaved, so why do they need to get anything out of it. theres no slavery and they never suffered it so shut the fuck up already.

isnt it racist if they get something and we dont? lol because everything is racist to them if they dont have it. not every black is like this

My Dad grew up in the forties without indoor plumbing,yes still an outhouse they were that poor.When I was 23 I was living in a cabin in the southern tier and was a night manager for Uni-mart and my wife was a waitress.See what a little hard work will do for you instead of whining.ANYONE can have a good,if not great life(financially) if they are willing to work for it.
Wow 20 members viewing

:clap: I appreciate your usage of it


Oh hay guise, what’s going on in this thread?

Nope, Polock and Dago = PoGo :slight_smile:

fuck me sideways :jays:

just ignore him, hes dumb