House to apologize for slavery

friend. one thing.

Telling a story about having a threesome with a cousin. Whole nother thing.

but I still don’t understand why he has to apologize?


+1 karma

well played

Ugh. i refuse to comment on an empty stomach.


Just noticed your sig…

for reference:

give them whatever money they want, and a plane ticket back to africa if things are so bad here.

Having the congress apologize for history is more patronizing then doing good but if the 2 out of 10 black people feel more empowered by mockery then let it be. personally i think this will cause more racist noise then not.

if it were to come were we white devils would have to pay restitution then i for sure will go back to Ireland where my family came from…in the 1920s

come on mr jefferson!!!
…i dont have a problem w u, i have a problem with your people


My name aint no Mr. Fuckin Jefferson

This just in: House will still be proceeding with message. Content changed to “You’re Welcome.”


I had a douchebag customer talking about “them mondays” stealing copper lines out of his garage.

I just realized what he was trying to say… Two hours later.

I don’t get it. Is it because people generally dislike Mondays (the day)? Is this a new thing?

I figured you(Fry) would be smart enough to understand why I posted that.
Some people are probably like, “What the hell does that have to do with this thread?”


Them Mondays? Hmm…

Never heard that one.
I heard Steven Colbert(?) say reggin(hint: backwords) the other day.
Never heard that before either.


+1 for originality to that guy. i guess?

They’ve been called Mondays for years. Seriously.

Everybody hates Mondays. Get it? Get it?


Boo fucking Hoo
We could have left them in africa,I say were even.

just shut the fuck up you are a fucking moron