House to apologize for slavery


Oh Fry. You’re just mad because Congress isn’t giving you any money. It’s ok little fella.

I was responding to other posters.

From now on I will only respond to the op.:hang:

Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason.

AFrank :tup:

So long as the sheeple of the US abide by politically correct demographs there will be racism.


Our gov’t sucks, bigtime.

Between wasting time with this, baseball steroids, and corvettes…

From the guy who brought up segregation. :roll2:

Pot, meet Kettle.

I’m so sick of slaves, it’s not even funny. Tell those motherfuckers to get the fuck out of my cotton fields every night. Do it in the day at least, so I don’t have to hear their goddamn whistling.

Would his points ring differently if you knew what ethnicity he was?

We need some type of constitutional amendment that automatically implements anything me and JayS agree on into law…at that point its pretty much common sense.

Seriously, I don’t have a problem with a reparation-free apology, but that’s the type of thing that be done in the 2 month summer vacation they’re about to get. If they’re going to be working on this country part-time, it should be on things that matter.

I don’t know how I feel about that…

Can I have veto power?

weren’t the jews enslaved by the egyptians for 1000’s of years? pretty sure a couple hundred years doesn’t compare.
also who do you think SOLD the slaves?, their own people.
i don’t know about you, but I never owned a slave, or even knew one for that matter.
i got a joke for you… what do you call affirmative action?..



I’m sorry. I thought the premise of your argument was that this bill was wrong and your supporting evidence was all the other races who would have to pay despite no involvement in slavery. I didn’t realize that by “wrong” you meant “right” and by “the bill” you meant “the posters in this thread.”

Segregation = Legacy effect of slavery? Maybe? Kind of? Just a little?

Naw. Unpossible.




to point out what congress is wasting time on instead things that might help.

Also to point out this

Some members of the African-American community have called on lawmakers to give cash payments or other financial benefits to descendents of slaves as compensation for the suffering caused by slavery.

and say that no one is owed anything, no matter their skin color.

I have, they are lazy.

omfg :rofl:

I would love for you to make laws with your “common sense”

lol, youre never gonna let that go, are you? If everyone was judged on their actions on Spring Break in Cancun people would be seen a whole lot lower

who hasn’t double teamed a classy lady with a friend? It should be a rite of passage.