I’ve really wanted to get a tuned 225hp TT, but I’m wondering how my gas mileage would suffer compared to stock.
It’s been between a 04-05 wrx and a 225hp TT. I’m not looking for something really fast and if the TT could be tuned and still get the same gas mileage it seems like a good idea. I wouldn’t tune a WRX because I might as well buy a STi if I’m going to mod a subaru. Tuned/exhaust TT’s run low thirteens at 103-104 so it’s not that far behind a access port/exhaust STi.
Before everyone tells me to get an STi, I don’t need the extra space(or insurance premium or the worse gas mileage.) I know STi’s handle a lot better stock but I don’t need a DD race car, refinement and something different would be nice.
I am curious the fuel economy changes of access ported STi’s or even evo’s but I’m really looking into Audi. I was looking at the APR chip, any other suggestions are welcome.
I just figured extra timing and boost would probably use for fuel at WOT and there for yield worse gas mileage, even though this shouldn’t affect highway numbers, I still am hoping for real world experience from someone to prove this.
tuned evos get better mpg than sti’s because of the smaller turbo always spinning on the sti more than the evo, if your looking for something like that i say go evo but ive never liked the tt so just my $0.02
EDIT: either way you shouldnt be looking to get a tune for more power to improve mpg
I’m not looking for a 400whp DD, if I were I’d go 20g evo, stage 3 B5 S4, or FP green STi. I don’t want the headache or fuel economy, just something fun, unique and if nothing else more reliable than a 400hp DD.
increasing timing allows more time time forcombustion (more efficient basically)
plus most factory cars run ridiculously rich, so cleaning that up “trims the fat” from the fuel curve basically
once u go for more power then you use more fuel yes…but since you are now making more power, you don’t have to accelerate as much in each gear, so your fuel econ. tends to stay the same or better. for daily driving conditions anyway. MPG when u are WOT is terrible no matter what
that’s just a general rule anyway. it also depends on where u make peak torque, as that is the point your motor is using the most fuel
My buddy has a 225 tt. Its apr tuned + some other add ons. He gets excellent gas mileage, the kind of gas mileage that gets me jealous in my car…
My 04 1.8t GLI was APR tuned as well, and if I can remember correct my gas mileage was around 30+ under normal driving. I did a 396 mile trip and still had a little above an 1/8 tank. I did the same trip in my Evo and had to stop for gas…
EDIT: I can say that if your looking for great gas mileage…DONT BUY AN EVO. This is my opinion, there maybe Evo owners that may think different.
When I had my 01.5 A4 gas mileage increased from a tune but that of course is highway at low rpm, it also increased boost and once you got on it and into boost gas mileage drops (of course) significantly.
If you plan on pussy footing it around to get good gas mileage I wouldn’t recommend spending any money on a flash.