Not money to age but the original calc relative to age.
Wouldn’t we all? :lol
As for Age vs. Ratio, I can’t speak for all but I have been D,C,B at one point… I’d expect to see D and C for younger people and more A and B among the (ahem) “senior” members…
Im a B
I seez where you are going with this :ahh
Don’t be mad on the “senior” comment… I’m older than you probably… Hahaha
Oh nvm i lied I’m a C
Unfortunatly that means I make shit and spend 35% of it on my car
I’ll tell if you tell… :ohnoes
I just realized that this is a pointless thread. Why you ask?
Because the above equation is assuming that people have spent the value of their car in one year. For people who have owned and have been modding their cars for say 5 years, the calculation will be way off. This is how it should be done…
(1) Estimated Combined Value of YOUR CAR(S) (including mods) = X
(2) Income per year, before taxes * # years owned/modifying = Y
(3) X/Y = % (used for below A,B,C,D,E)
A. Way Cheap A$$ - 1% or under
B. Frugal and Practical - 1.1% to 2.5%
C. Swagger Is Necessary - 2.6% to 5.0%
D. Livin’ Lavish - 5.1% to 7.5%
E. Ballin’ Out of Control - 7.6% and up!
Not playing this game.
I don’t think many people (myself included) want to turn this into a huge exercise.
If you want to be all “realistic” why don’t you throw NPV, interest rates, Ebay buyer fees, maintenance costs, and Vlad’s bowling average in there?
As for whether this thread has a point or not, people are responding to it so that’s all I am concerned about.
i make little money and it goes into the car. FUCK, I’m an idiot and I need to stop spending money on it already.
:rofl @ Vlad’s bowling average.
Money spent on my car vs. everything else - for me that’s about to go way out of balance.
2+2 = 10 right?
$hitty day at work again, or do you just enjoy breaking people’s balls? Hahaha
And yes I am having fun with this 100% inaccurate website - Shift518!!!
I just like playing devils advocate.
In this case your OP was to find out what ratio of a persons income was put into their car based on a one year income level.
In my case I am stating that by adding one extra math step you get an actual semi-accurate result rather than one that is light-years away from even being close.
Shame on me for not wanting to take a test in which I answer all questions correctly but only get a score of 35.
My car is paid for.
The only debt I have is some stupid CC debt I accumulated when I was 18-19 and dumb and $3,800k of my college tuition still.
I’ve been focusing on those the last year and have cut it down majorly. I should be debt free by the fall of 2010.
how do you calculate debt to income when you have a mortgage? isn’t it all debt. lol
+rep and +1.
Having debt is ok as long as you can and are willing to pay it off. Having no debt is better and is one step closer to financial freedom.
I can’t wait till financial freedom. I can taste it. I’m paying like $2k a month just in bills to try to get rid of it asap. Most of my minimum payments are like $60 but I’m doing like $500x2 each paycheck.