How Deep Are You In: $how Me The Money

With the economy being all screwed up and $ harder to come by than ever, I think it would be interesting to see how much people have sunk into rides in proportion to income.

I realize income is very private to most so let’s use the 3 steps below:

(1) Estimated Combined Value of YOUR CAR(S) (including mods) = X
(2) Income per year, before taxes = Y
(3) X/Y = % (used for below A,B,C,D,E)

Which category are you in? Pick one of the 5 options (A,B,C,D,E) below.

A. Way Cheap A$$ - 10% or under
B. Frugal and Practical - 11% to 25%
C. Swagger Is Necessary - 26% to 50%
D. Livin’ Lavish - 51% to 75%
E. Ballin’ Out of Control - 76% and up!

Any other information on your situation is optional, but realize people will comment since this is a public forum!!

As for me… “A” all the way.

If we’re not including the value of the cars… I’d be A.

But since we are (I think) I’d be in B… NOT including anything in my settlement, just based of my return on investments so far in 2009.

I’m a B. yay

I’m definitely an A. I keep my car maintained and change the oil and filters and all that shit when it’s necessary but I do absolutely no modding to my car.

Interesting replies so far!! :thumb

Just to make it clear to all, “X” represents the value of your CAR(S) PLUS any mods, not only mods.

As in, the value of every car your name is on the title of, including its mods, should be rolled up into “X”.

D here.

I don’t mind sharing so…

(1) Estimated Combined Value of YOUR CAR(S) (including mods) = $10,120 ($5,120 is the value of the car and I have $5k in mods)
(2) Income per year, before taxes = $42,000
(3) X/Y = 24.1% (used for below A,B,C,D,E)

Which category are you in? Pick one of the 5 options (A,B,C,D,E) below.

B. Although I don’t really live a B style. I’m more of a C.

Unfortunately I think I’m D. But it depends on the car. Supra has been the only car I’ve dumped that much money into. Not economically smart, but I’ve been doing OK.

Oh including mods crap. I was just going by bluebook value

I’m a C then. Swagger is necessary

C, but you’d never know it :rofl


Around C, but I don’t want to know how much I have in my car/cars

Wow I really hope most of your car expenses aren’t debt.

A good debt to income ratio, ALL debts assumed is around 35%. Some of you are higher than 35% based on your car alone! (considering you owe the same amount you are posting in this thread).

I don’t owe anything on my cars, thats not what this thread is about, he said the value of your cars including mods divided by your income…

Good advice…

But perhaps not fair to assume that all here have loans though. I’m sure there are quite a few that are paid in full.

Like B-fizzle (my life mentor) I don’t have a car loan… As should be the case when one’s vehicles could have been used on the set for Cash for Clunkers…

But at least they are mine! :lol

would be very hard to tell for me because both of my jobs can flex so much, D this year hopefully B next year :lol

I’d love to know:

Travis’s ratio
Age vs ratio

I bet we’d see some interesting results.

I already know the answer. Travis would score a Z.

Whats the best way to show the age ratio? Years/$1k? I’m 0.4 than.