How much have you "invested" in your car?

Including the purchase price, how much do you think you have spent on your cars?

so far 17 thousand

I don’t want to know, and neither do any of you. haha.

lol ya cause once you find out you’ll start to slow down the spending just like i did but thats all about to change

thats somethign I’d rather not think about right now…

Do you mean just the Z or all of my cars? :?

$3700 :rolleyes:

Just hit 12g! I keep a record of everything lol.

I actually started a document to keep track of it for fun.

Not including the purchase price, I’ve spent just under 2K on mods for my car in the 6 months I’ve had it. Not too bad, but then again I’ve been spending a lot paying off student loans too. :smiley:

Too much, how’s that? I think I’m in the 17/18 range.

Well, lets just say I’m over 20K… lol. I’m going to shoot myself now. :guns

Maybe we should set up a pole so people don’t feel so weird about it.

woot me and araron are the only votes together we make 40 k. haha

by end of summer i will be up to like 24k and then new paint next year so this bitch is one expensive fuck.

Fuck, they are an expensive hobby, but its better than spending it on crack or coke or some shit. At least thats my excuse to my parents.

“Hey mom and dad, at least I don’t spend it on crack”… “oh ok, mod on Aaron, mod on” :shifter:

Hey that’s a good excuse…I’ll have to try that. You shoulda seen how mad my dad got when he found out how much my kouki tailights were :axe:

it all depends …my current one …not that much …but I used to spend alot on cars before last year. … like on my Talon …ugh …money pit

I have spent 18 grand …only had my car for a year now damn …all my money goes to my car…yah parents go nuts when they see all my car expenses

all i have is the 2 grand i paid for it and its still faster than a certain white one i can think of that cost quite a bit more :finga: cough nis240 cough :E

Yeah, ive spent around 3-4 grand over the winter break so far, not bad for winter…when the spring rolls along, im going to do alot more.

I was just over 10G’s before the write off.

Lets just say that I could be driving around in an S4 right now if it wasn’t for thr 300zx.God I can’t wait to get rid of it.