How do 17" look on a non lowered s13

Just curious, evey time i see a car with 17" its lowered, anyone have pics of them not lowered?

I have done a quick search and only found an s14

I’ll look more like a 4x4

Yeah, huge wheel gap.

thats how mine looked before lowering it

buy coilovers first

wheels before suspension is fuckign retarded ask me i know

actually thats what the wheel gap looks like now, and she shall be lowered within the next month, so im gonna get the rims now since i have a killer deal and then lower it next month.

Avery why is it such a dumb idea.

just looks like poo

but if u got a good deal on wheels…jump on them

i just hate stock suspension thats all i will never drive a car with stock suspension again.

17’s without lowering?..It’s great for some off roading action.

You guys are forgetting that 17s typically come on tires with lower profiles. A 245/40/17 is exactly same height as the factory s13 handling package tire.

So they would look exactly the same.

Stock everything

More pics here:

buy them and then just wait to put them on when youre installing your suspension…

meh, style, schmile.

I run 17" no suspension. But thats just cause my buddy is starting to get pissed off about the 20+ 17" tires I’ve left in his shed over the last year. I don’t really mind the huge wheel gap, gives a certain “real world drivability”.

Bing knows, this way I can launch it in/out of busters in guelph without worring about ground clearance.

stock nissan suspension, stock spec V rims

Its not bad at all, im going to get them as soon as i get my return.