how do i change the colors in PS

how do i edit color without losing the photo quality/lines/shadows in photoshop?

Depends on what your trying to change the color of…pics?

PSP for life. :stuck_out_tongue:


Paint Shop Pro

  1. Select an area with magic wand, lasso, marquee tool etc. and feather the edges.
  2. Use selective color, replace color, etc.
  3. ???
  4. Profit

i love how you left out step 3 lol, ill try to learn…reason im asking is steeda focus is holding a design contest on one of the boards for their SEMA hatchback and the winner gets $100 to spend at steeda and a cash prize as well

the step 3 left out is from homestarrunner.

instant abs!

Welcome! PhotoshopJunkie is a website catered to the art of manipulating automobiles with Adobe Photoshop. We aren’t very serious around here, so bring your sense of humor and your boredom on in!

Ill represent for my friends site. Creativedraft - good for learning and practicing your skills

thanks guys i have signed up for both as my name here too