ugh sportster cs…
I thought these were a no-no for any track events? They’re probably OK for autox but I could get the same effect by simply moving my drivers seat back then forward until the factory belt locks. And the upper part would be locked too.
I think my ass would still slide though.
Maybe I’ll just drive your car on track instead of my own then :mpd:
Maybe this will give you some ideas lol
MY 1990 SHO had pretty good seats once the bolsters were inflated but the leather was still very slippery. One trick I found to keep from sliding around was to condition the leather seats before I loaded my car on my trailer. Or if it was really hot out I would condition the leather the morning of track day. They would not be wet but the extra moisture in the leather would let my clothes grip onto the seats better rather than it being a ultra slick surface. lexol is under 20 bucks and did the trick for me. Proper seats would be way better for sure but if you are looking for a solution that is inexpensive and does not require modification.
This is what I was going to recommend as well.
Miata guys swear by these things.
one thing to keep in mind if going to a bar/cage is that it is not the safest thing for the street. steel tube in close proximity especially to your head without a helmet can end badly.
Install button plug in seat
cut hole in back of pants
hold on tight
You could try a stock cloth Z seat or 350z seat. or you could just superglue a pair of pants to your existing seat and slither in and out of them for racing…
No pants and two sided tape works wonders for me.
lol solid suggestions guys.
I’m going to start off by just locking my seat belt (seat back then forward) and see where that gets me. Then my next step is to buy a fixed back seat that I can swap in. I’ll report back.
This is the solution! All track cars should require velcro suits/seats.
I have some grip tape that you can put on the seat. it should seriously keep you from sliding around.
I used a workout / pool noodle wedged between my seat and B-pillar running along my door and it helped my left side ass a lot, really help eliminate knee bruising. I just need to wedge another between the center console and seat for my right ass and thigh.
Probably not the best material in case of a fire.
obviously can be DIY’ed a lot cheaper