how do i make a christmas tree out of packing peanuts?

so i finally quit today, it went a little something like this:

boss: we need to talk about whats going on with your availability here, 2 days??
me: yeah, thats my availability from now on
boss: what are you doing now?
me: thats just my availability, what i do on my personal time off is irrelevant
boss: well i want you to tell me
me: no. heres my shirt, my keys, im done
boss: dont ever come back here EVER again!
me: ok, why would i want to come back to a shitty minimum wage job like this?

so my friend who works there just called me and said my now ex-boss went psycho and threw my christmas tree out the front door and destroyed it outside on the sidewalk while yelling and screaming about me quitting. and now theres green leanuts all over the place. kinda cool, actually. o well its his own fault, maybe if he paid better, didnt treat his employees like total shit and actually had a clue as to how to run a bussiness, i would still be there. but probably not.