How do you feel about the supreme courts ruling of Heller vs DC?

There is no gun show loophole, that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Have you ever bought a gun at a gun show? The dealers are required to do a BG check, just like at a gun store. Common sense gun laws?? Do some research on Obama’s voting record on guns and gun owners. He voted (on a specific case) in IL to make a man’s defense of his home with a legally owned and registered firearm illegal, yet the law passed overwhelmingly to support the man’s actions and make them legal. Yeah, he’s a real friend of gun owners.

And one more thing… all you gun haters pay close attention to this one…THE 2ND AMENDMENT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HUNTING!

“Keep and bear” translated to modern language = “own and carry” It’s not just about in the home.