How do you feel about the supreme courts ruling of Heller vs DC?


On March 16, 1975, three women living in a Washington, D.C., townhouse were awakened by the sound of their back door being kicked in.

Two invaders violently attacked one of the women, who had been asleep on the second floor. They beat and raped her. Her two roommates called the police from the third floor. Assured that help was coming, the women crawled out a window onto the roof, seeking safety.

They saw a squad car slowly drive past. It never stopped. Terrified, the women crawled back into the house. Once more they called the police. Then they hid.

Half an hour passed. The women, hearing no noises downstairs, assumed police had arrived and that they were safe. They went down to the second floor. The rapists were waiting. The three women were beaten and raped repeatedly–for 14 hours. The police never came.

Thankfully, all three women survived. A lawsuit was brought against the D.C. police department. Ruling on the last appeal in 1981, the D.C. Court of Appeals said: “The duty to provide public services is owed to the public at large, and, absent a special relationship between the police and an individual, no specific legal duty exists.”

In short, the police cant be everywhere they are most needed. When you are attacked, its between you and the criminal. Law enforcement–despite the best of intentions and its officers` dedication–has no legal duty to help you.

Women in DC are beaten and raped by intruders, they call the 5-0, the cops never show up, the women sue DC because the police didn’t help and were told “sorry, we don’t have to do that.”

You are the one who brought up Barack Hussein Obama and his supposed 2nd amendment supporting stances. The 2nd amendment applies in both cities, but Barack doesn’t like free people to have guns. I showed you the truth, stop whining.

Well the answer for both issues is the same, the government needs to GTFO.

Newsflash, we have a Constitution that protects individual rights, what you think does not matter at all. The 2nd amendment applies everywhere, small towns, the desert, and metro areas like DC (which have the highest violent crime rates).