How do you get a 140lb deer in a BMW?

Maybe all those ugly sharp angles Chris Bangle put on the car are good for something.

Meat tenderizer!

Anyone else a little confused as to how there is so little damage to the rest of the front of the car? The deer basically fit through the one grill opening, which makes me think it probably isn’t a deer.

Venison on the grill: Germans don’t half-ass anything.


Maybe all those ugly sharp angles Chris Bangle put on the car are good for something.

Meat tenderizer!

Anyone else a little confused as to how there is so little damage to the rest of the front of the car? The deer basically fit through the one grill opening, which makes me think it probably isn’t a deer.


yeah awaiting hoof photo I’m going to have to agree that it must be a fox. A deer is too tall for that to really work methinks… unless it was sitting down… on the highway :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh and prime candidate for an LS1 swap.


:carnut Awesome.

That’s a pretty good hit if I do say so, it was better than my “incident” with Jeller’s car. :lol:



Was it? I was just going off the email I got. Said it was a deer.


Yea I looked and didn’t think it was a deer so I googled it and it ended pu being a fox.