Wow, I dont know what to say.
I hope that kid gets what’s coming to him.
Wow, I dont know what to say.
I hope that kid gets what’s coming to him.
Woah, super lame.
he is going to get raped in the detention center… you can later find that vid on youporn.
Would have been better if it landed in a microwave.
WTF is wrong with people.
vid isn’t working… cliffs?
teenage douche inflates large pillow like object with air
teenage douche places infant on end of said object
teenage douche jumps on opposite end of said object
baby cruises about 5-6 and lands basically upside down
Dumb fuck about 14 years old puts a baby on an air mattress pillow sort of thing, then jumps on it, launch baby. Baby lands about 4 feet away. Teens think it’s hilarious.
wow i would choke him to death if that was my kid
Ha. Nice. I just listened to the audio. The baby was “left in the care of the family of the kid filming.” So the kid jumping on the pillow was just a friend of the babysitter.
both of these sound really awesome.
let’s be honest people, the baby is probably going to wind up on welfare anyway…
lol touche
no. People on welfair do not hire babysitters. They “pay” relatives to get the tax credit.
But, where are the parents?
That’s what makes it seem even worse to me for some reason. The kid filming was part of the family that was supposed to be watching the baby for the parents. The kid who jumped on the pillow was just a friend of the babysitters. In my mind, it requires another level of disrespect and neglect to do that to the baby of someone you don’t even know. Or something. I guess I don’t know why that rubs me the wrong way so much more.
i don’t know 98SS10, but i would do that to his kid.
kid was 16 and i think the judge should have him placed on a large pillow then have bunch of people jump on other side only lets put broken glass, hungry lion, angry gang members on the side hes gonna fly off of
I would just smash his knees with a baseball bat then wipe a dirty diaper on his face…
They took my video down? Bastards. Well, there’s more babies where that one came from.