How do you pronounce SON?

We’ve had this discussion before in tims…matt randomly started saying “sun” …and I’m like, doubleyoutee eff mate? it’s SAWN. yeah. just like that.

South ON(awn)tario


I always said Sawn


I say it like it is.

In more ways then one!

Example: This post (thread) sucks.


this thread blows

Thats nice, but the N isnt from Ontario, its from Nissan, and like whosit said, its an abbreviation, theres no correct pronunciation because there isn’t one. Say it how you want… on that note… SUN YO!!!

PLEASE, PLEASE someone lock it!

2 more votes for teh lock?

I’ll vote for a locking,

Is it possible to keep the voting open and lock the talking?

In before the lock - and here’s hoping…

Doubt it.

In any case, this thread lived longer than it should have.