how do you wipe

Ok this definitely gave me something to laugh out loud to while at work on this shitty ass day. No pun intended.

back to front & stop at whole & clean area



Back to Front and never past the tween area as to wipe poo in my hole…

:bluez28: girls don’t poo


I just did and at work…

best time to do it… getting paid to poop is da shit

Back to front. Only on my own shitter, never public unless it cant possibly be avoided.

its an event for guys…“hey i’m going to drop a duce” for girls its just another thing in nature they have to do.

how bout at the Louisville game the pisser was all jammed up at half time and of course the guy in front of my had to be dropping a two piece… seriously who in their right mind would ever take a dump on a toliet at a sporting venue… there was not even a built nest!!! I don;t even like going to take a piss cause it smells like puke and there is piss all over the floor.

both, two or three “back to fronts” for every one “front to back”.

Girls don’t sit and linger in the stentch like you boys do… we get in and out as quick as possible… most times no one know what we are doing… you boys in the other hand take magazines, newspapers and/or laptops in with you because it is at least a 30 minute affair.

yep. sit there till your legs go numb. then get up and stumble out

back to front

then hit it with the baby wipes

how many of you tried shaving your ass crack???:bigthumb:

OMG !!!

Don’t tell people you’ve done that


do you like to switch it up every now and then?

front to back

Baby wipes are the greatest. I found out because I ran out of tp but my daughter was over so I had a box of wipes. I must say it was lovely.

hahaha i know what you mean!!! they r the shit!

actually i got to poop now

Nothing like a little “Nair for Sensitive Areas” FTW?