how do you wipe

i just verified. front to back ftw

I can’t even remember right now

go drop one

Front to back, but I throw in a reverse from time to time.

Baby wipes FTW, but prep H wipes are even better, get some for camping.

does this thread mean the begining of the winter posts?


baby wipes are definitely crucial! I wish i did have a biday(sp) though. I got so used to them in europe.

I think the real question is…Do you fold or wad your toilet paper

baby wipes you fold

tp you wad

Roll neatly around hand then remove from hand… Would that be a wad?

thats what i thought it was :dunno:

front to back, leaning forward ever so slightly…
and i fold my tp.
however i do enjoy those shits where you could practically shit thru a screen door and not touch a wire… ( ya know, the ones where theres minor spring cleaning needed)

my girlfriend uses baby wipes… i think thats retarded! clogging up the toilet and shit…
she also pulls the paper off the roll and wraps about 5feet of tp around her hand to wipe her ass… which also leads to the toilet clogging up…
she takes like 3 shits a day… its annoying, and its only like little rabbit turds, how can you take 3 shits a day??? i only have to take a shit maybe once or twice in a 2 day period and its size of a log… i dont understand…

Sometimes I make a circular motion. But usually back to front. Unless i know I’m taking a shower directly afterwards, then i generally just hit it with the water.

sorry to hear about your gfs shitting problems…but if you only use one baby wipe it shouldnt harm the toilet…as for the tp tell her to take smaller amounts

I know what your talking about. I’ve never used one but it’d be great.

Oh yeah baby wipes wouldn’t clog the toilet nearly as much as the duce’s you talk about dropping.

How do you delete posts?

i’ll show her this thread, maybe she’ll get the hint…
she already cracks up what kind of threads are made on this site already…

Pull an arms length, crinkle up, then give er hell. I drop one once a day or so, huge toilet destroyers. I love the event horizon turds, the ones that form a small hill and rise up out of the water. Such an accomplishment.

go into advanced edit and at the top

someone brought a box of these ridiculous fucking “adult ass wipes, not for babies” things to my house. i laughed at her quite a bit.

i don’t want a moist sphincter.