You know what I hate...

…when the cardboard roll in the toilet paper is crushed and doesn’t spin smoothly.

Just a little observation to provide entertainment for Darkstar. :wink:

you’re so lucky that you’re like 6’4 290lbs or else I would be on my way to kick your ass right now.

hahah… i feel ya!

yeah…you don’t get that smooth consistent roll…it stops and you have to use two hands to stop it from tearing early…pisses me off

Sometimes the ones at work get jammed and you can only tear off about half a square at a time. :mad:

I think they need automatic dispensing toilet paper like they have for paper towels.

just use a bidet, that way you can hold your beer and the newspaper


I feel your pain, Jeff. I always try to re-round the roll before I place it on the spool.

Kimberly-Clark has one.

I have found that if you…

  1. Use the handicrapper stall (the ones with the rails)
  2. Pop open the container and place the roll on the rail
  3. Wipe down the crack whore, because there is a lot of nasty people @ work that don’t know how to keep unsanitary items from leaving the bowl area.
  4. Manually remove a swath from the now uninhibited roll

…the crapping experience is much more pleasant.

Ah, I see you’ve heard about my recent weight doubling. :mrT:

You know you immediately subscribed to this thread, anticipating all of the witty replies and Andy Rooney-esque descriptions. It just doesn’t get any better than this.

Weight doubling?! no way.

290 lb is 131 kg, and that’s about what the scale says. Hmmm, maybe I wasn’t on the metric scale. My bad.


I saw you 3 weeks ago and you were the buffest person at jj’s

Here is something to think about…Americans are some nasty people. I myself am like most people and wipe and wipe until I do not see any more ass funk on the toilet paper…then I give another one to make sure. But think of it this way. If somehow your shit landed on your arm…would you just take a few wads of paper and wipe it off and be cool with it? Fuck no you would scrub that shit. In other countries they use bidets (asscrack bath) and it cleans it a lot better than a wad of paper. I myself have yet to try one and am wonder who all has. The most I will do is when I take a real nasty deuce I will take some baby wipes to my crack…fir test purposes I will wipe as good as a can with paper and then switch to the baby wipe…you would be amazed how much ass funk is still there.

True dat. wet wipes ftmfw

True story. I witnessed this at the Hillman library at Pitt. There was a guy at the urinal next to mine. I couldn’t help noticing that, as he flushed, he rinsed his hands in the water running down. If that wasn’t enough, he walked over to the sink and slicked his hair back by running his “wet” hands through it.


you were checking out his junk.