In Which Direction Does Your

Toilet Paper have to go … Under or Over :rofl:

mine has to go Over



hahahahahahahahahaha,doesn’t matter for me…

Prefer over. But, which ever way my wife replaces it is fine. :slight_smile:


under leaves the paper against the wall, hense the shit streaks on most public bathroom walls, just below the TP, almost looks like a turd claw was scratching away trying to reach to paper to wipe a little off his nose.

Side-ways sitting on the counter since I have a bad habbit of never getting around to actually putting it on there.



Over… i got OCD about it.

I was going to say, this thread screams OCD… dosent matter to me which way

well its easier to yank and get a tear when its over. when its under sometimes the whole freakin roll comes down

Over is a must.

Under… my ass

:rofl: :rofl:

So that’s what I’ve been doing wrong all these years…:doh:

over… under is pointless

i dont have a preference…i dont care which way it goes, so long as its not that tissue paper consistency crap that feels like its going to give your asshole a papercut when you use it.

Over and mounted on the left side, if it aint on the left side I aint shitting there.

I’m in the “who give a fuck” category :slight_smile: