Oneslow - It took me a week to make that, I;m not a mirical worker even though that would be bad ass. Let me see what I can do with the door thing :d
240/chad - unfortunatly I don;t need switches for anything else. I put them off to the side INCASE i did have to add another like the previously joked about NX kit. I;m going to look around and see if I can get any better switches but the one has to be a momentary on switch so its going to be tough to go out of the range of a push button. And to have it match the second button is going to be even harder, I already tried that search.
I think the door thing would work IF i can do it so it looks ok. Too bad I can;t find a small bar guage to fit in there that has like a bottle pressure or “bottle level” indicator. that would fill the gap and look pretty cool plus be functional.
Atleast I didn;t get the damn dooms day aircraft switches…
you should see the gay cryo like setup on a cav at summit in their display room…it sprays co2 across the intercooler but it looks like it has to pass somewhere near the aif filter element connected to the turbo compressor…(dead co2 air in the engine bay is blown extremely close to filter)…thats fu**in stupid b/c im sure some of the air reaches the filter and thus reaches the engine negating any positive effect it has on lowering air temp through the intercooler setup
Thats the kit and when using the intercooler sprayer it doesn;t give off as much gas as you think. Its liquid CO2 and at the rate its coming out does more freezing and frosting than anything.
**EDIT- you also have to remember that between the liquid CO2 being heavier and staying close to the ground till it warms up AND the forward motion of the vehicle (more than likly in a 1/4 mile setting) that filter won;t have enough time to suck up the minimal if any CO2 that may be in the area.
Maybe something like this with the buttons closer, and then the pittspeed thing is there b/c i thought it looked empty, im sure you could put something there.
no on both ideas. The toggles are what I was refering to as Doomsday aircraft switches (they are actually called aircraft switches). The thing withy pitt sped or whatever would defeat the purpose of the clean :looks like its supposed to be there" feel i’m attempting. Thanks anyways.
To answer your first question, I stated earlier the first one is an arming switch with a red light to show its on w/power. Second one is a purge button to fill the inital lines. Once its filled then the WOT switch takes over when running at full throttle, or if I get the intermedeat timer like previoulsy stated.
I’m going to attempt to find matching switches first and fool around with making some type of door.
Welp this is the look I’m going to go with. The space isn’t big enough for a door like previously mentioned. I think it brakes up the empty void pretty nicly. The camera is fucking it up with the flash reflextion (I took 8 different pictures and they all sucked but it gives you an idea. :dunno:
Like it hate it oh well its functional.
To give it some rice appeal it would be cool to get a removable plexiglass cover with the writing “In need of power, Break Glass”…
those buttons are too big…i would go with micro switches one momentary and one toggle…i have one in my dash for y alcohol injection and it’s overlooked all the time
as explained, I couldn;t find any Matching ones in the style I was looking for either round or oval. Only thing I could find locally were the ones at Radioshack and after driving to 3 of them and not finding what I wanted I opted to use what came with the kit. If it was one button it wouldn’t be a problem but try finding a matching momentary switch. (which was disapointing especially since all the radioshacks I went to had a limited warrenty)
Also I’m not ordering somthing I can’t because if its not what I want I;m not going through the hassle of having to send it back. Thats just how I am.
I even asked my buddy how deals with electrical systems in emergency vehicles and what I want he can;t even find.
Also because of the angels and shit they look big, but the way its mounted and once in the dash they won;t be so bovious size wise, Yes you will see the blue button but its actually pushed back in there.