How educated are you?

I wish I had the money I wasted on college. I couldve had a nice car with that money a long time ago.

I did work on cars for a few years and got burned out on it. Its just not for me.

I needed a job and my current one came along and Ive been there 5 years.

Right now Im trying to find another job because my current job sucks.

AAS in business admin @ hvcc that i just graduated from, just got accepted to Siena and going for my bacloers in marketing.

BA in Computer Science, Minor in Mathematics with a focus in calculus based stats. 2 years of Cisco certification training, never took the test though. 6 years on the job experience/training/self teaching.

AAS in Bus Admin from the valley… One more year left for my bachelors in marketing and management with a minor in writing.

High school diploma :rofl

Working on a Bachelors of Science in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering, possibly going right on to my Masters in Mechanical Engineering if I’m not burnt out by then.

highschool/regents and AAS is automotive technical service… been working in the industrial environmental field for a while and soon to be starting a career at toyota/lexus in another state making a lil bit more :ninja

I’m hoping a red state.

Very similar if not exactly what I’ll be doing.

For now though, high sk00l edjamacation

High school diploma, one year of Medical science BS. hoping to get a D.D.S. , Ph.D within 10 years

AAS - Criminal Justice from HVCC
BA - Working on it at SUNY New Paltz - Secondary Education - Social Studies ( I really should have went for Elementary Ed. though)
MA - Literacy with a concentration in Special Education - Will start Fall of 2011. However, I have one graduate course finished, and I will take two more this fall due to openings in my schedule.

7 years of college 20 points away from a degree. I have severe and I do mean severe ADD that not even medicine ever helped cause I would lose the bottles lol.

but I am 20 credits away from any of these degrees: Architecture, drafting, psychology, philosophy, Business management, Classic arts and I only have to take core classes to get them, I just currently make too much money for financial aid and not enough money to pay for it out of pocket and can’t get another student loan cause I already have 3 lol.

I need $5000 and them i’m going back. I have atteneded and have credits from RPI, RIT, ACC, and currently I am with and will Graduate from University of Phoenix. Yes an online college but I got in with UoP when it just started and let me tell you its a legit and huge school

I always knew you wanted to be just like JClark ever since your M3 obsession.

he has a shrine in his closet. he collects JClark pubic hair from the shower drain.

High school diploma

My girlfriend did online courses there and is graduating from it next month with a Master’s degree.

I have an Associate’s in Automotive Technical Services and I did absolutely NOTHING with the degree.

Its a great school. I was thinkign of when I finish being a instructor there. I have to admit that all the classes I took even the advanced one I felt that my IQ was light years above everyone of my classmates though.

M.Eng in MechE, Rensselaer Blueballs Institute

Highschool diploma. Working on a biology major at UAlbany. Will most likely transfer to Albany College of Pharmacy in the next two years.

my friend and his wife graduated from Pharm. they both own a pharmacy in my town and are opening up another in the next town over. they are making bank. he mixes his own pills and shit.
