how fast can you type?

You reached 306 points, so you achieved position 32586 on the ranking list

You type 423 characters per minute
You have 72 correct words and
you have 2 wrong words

72 words per minute

38wpm :slight_smile:

Damn it, when I type what is read I memorise the sentance and type it out. But it’s not a real sentance, so I keep tryping the words backwards cause they make more sense… I need to stop doing that. I only got 180 points! Yea suckyness!


70wpm on 1st try.

2nd try, 57wpm… That’s enough for me.

You type 200 characters per minute
You have 35 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words

35 WPM



shit is broken


You type 218 characters per minute
You have 38 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
i suck

only did 59 correct…

like 16 wrong though!! haha