Stupid problem... I type too fast and it's missing letters

if I type slow, everything is fine but when I type normal, it misses a few letters, this is annoying. I’m using Windows Vista on an IBM thinkpad T43p. Any suggestions? I don’t have many pograms running either.

You are probably hitting a few keys simultaneously. Happens.

You type really fast? Whats your WPM:

It keeps missing letters which is pretty annoying. I know that I’m not hitting more than one letter at a time, it’s like it just doesn’t realize that I’m hitting the key. Even when I type very deliberatly, it’s skipping.

Maybe your keyboard blows.

Hook up a real keyboard to the thinkpad and you’ll be set.

^ I think that’s my only solution… this is REAL annoying.

gots myself a keybord… fixed.

apparently not…


you know whats funny is that it only kinda fixed it… It’s still doing it. REAL annoying.

How many WPM do you type?

i think u should break up with ur keyboard and say “ITS NOT YOU ITS ME”

I think that a program is running and everytime it does a check is when I’m missing the keys.