need some nerdy help...

i hit some key on my keyboard and now weird letters are comin up when i type…

example ^ç, è, é. ¨Ç, È.É

wtf is this shitÉÉÉ (those were supposed to be questionmarks)

running windows vista btw


Bottom right corner of your screen on the tool bar thingy theres a little keyboard. click it and change the language back to US.

easy get rid of vista, it’s all shyt. Get windows 7

get windows 7 lol and switch your keyboard language, but no seriously vista really sucks… it’s slow, poop, unfinished, unrefined. I was quite the microsoft hater since windows 95 days even… but they really listen and improve their products… i was a linux fanboy but uhm… windows 7 is a quality product… can’t believe im actually saying it :stuck_out_tongue:

windows 7 is vista finished. but tnat’s not the point. there is usually a language changer in your task bar, if not go to control panel > classic view > regional and language options > keyboard and languages

thanks for the replies, when i turned my laptop on this mornin it went away… but now i know! and knowing is… G I JOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEE! LOL