how fast can you type?

nope now it doesnt work for me either we broke it

u def have the same XBOX equivalent to “WPM” as well i bet !

yeah not working on IE7 here either

I got through 3 pages of it but it wont calculate for some reason…I only spelled 2 works wrong :gotme:



lol shutup :frowning: In all seriousness I can type approximately 60-80 words per min. depending on if I am copying something or not. I can type without looking the “right way” but I type much faster with just my thumb, pointer, and middle fingers (also without looking).

84 words a minute! holla!

You type 466 characters per minute
You have 84 correct words and
you have 3 wrong words

You reached 303 points, so you achieved position 33964 on the ranking list

You type 456 characters per minute
You have 80 correct words and
you have 6 wrong words

There is a better one out there… I’ve done it before.

Where do you get the results? It just asks if I want to restart.

should be near the bottom of the page, to the left


its being gay and not giving me my resultsi get to mid 3rd page however many that is

Your score: 283 keys per minute ~ 56 words per minute
Language/mode: en
Ranking: You’ve got potential.
Comparison: 38% of 29008 registered TyperA users using this language have typed a better result; 62% have a lower or equal result.

kinda lame… thought id be better… ill try again later when i can focus

I have people that type for me.

I have people that manage for me. Sucker.



i have people.

( no racist )

Umm… since when is cotton picking = typing?

oh my… I immediately feel bad… but i had to

55 first try and 2 misspelled words sitting 6 feet high with my laptop

I like the second one, but make a game out of it!