How fast ..

I can’t tell if that’s edited or not somehow.
Either way, holy shit.

It could just be sped up, since the audio sucks so you cant tell if it clips and since the camera is able to follow the car when it passes… if not… wtf

if its real, its over 300kph

looks fake, reaction and movement of camera was way to fast and steady.

yeah here is video of smokey nagata doing just over 300 passing a car doing 90miles a hour according to the video but looks like the car was doing 90km/h

Video looks legit to me. The sound sucks cause the camera is in the wind while moving around 80-100 km/h.

I think that would have to be somewhere around 325 km/h (~200 mph). Goes by too fast to recognize what it is, unless anyone here can identify it. Very doubtful.


how slow was the filming car going… could also be sped up because the camera followed that Flash soo well it would be pretty hard for a car to be normally going that fast.

its real up to the point where they are side by side but its sped up right at that point.even tho the car was going 350k`s it wouldnt go the distance that quick.

Call me crazy but it looks like an SUV to me…

The camera follows it too quickly, its as if there are frames missing… watch it slowly, the camera jumps

i love that skyline video

could be real… if you watch the lines on the roads they seem to flow evenly… but i dont know i still half a sleep!

judging by how fast the lanemarkers were passing by I’d say the camera car was only going 80-90km/h - the dude that passed him was booking it at at least 150-160+km/h

atleast 260km/ hr

Ehh… That’s the exact opposite… VTEC fast is 0-60 in 15 minutes…

i hope ur joking… if not your eyes move in slow motion, look it again bro
u must have meant 150+160+

Real…and fast.

That’s real!

I have driven on the autobahn many times and I would be doing like 120kms/h in the slower lane because I would be exiting soon and had guys in the passing lane (no speedlimit) whip by me as if I were standing still.

I actually saw one of these in France last month, I had never seen one in real life before. Awesome car!

Jaguar XJ220