how fucked is this "t-money content "

Well, it is 4wd.

Indeed it is.

So is a cheap ass subaru. lol

If I had his kind of money I’d buy a C-GT and flaunt the shit out of it, then proceed to drive it in the winter too. Who cares, and good for him.

I will flaunt my Lambo too.

The lambo is gone now, as far as I know.

He still had it the day I quit my job, 8-27, so it would need to be a pretty recent sale. It is entirely possible of course, but the kid I know didn’t make it seem like he had any intention of selling it. T-money did say he was bored with it and that he thought it was slow now though.

As far as I know it recently got traded in, but thats 2nd hand info.

the lambo and the black zr1 are gone … he lost his ass on trade ins on both of them . like to the tune of 40-50 k is what im hearing from a good source that works there

You can’t fix stupid, even when grandpa’s paying for it.

saw the blue zr1 saturday in the garage up in malta then it was gone sunday, must have been out all night plowing some nice vag

also heard this from a inside source that works at the place they got traded into…

No, it’s not Lefty.

Funny how much people who don’t know the guy/aren’t his friends care about the guy and what he’s doing lol

Yup ^



I wish I was friends with him, I wanna drive the ZR1 lol… Exotic rental places dont have them for rent :frowning:

Isnt that the idea? Until you fly past him like he was parked on the highway and the zr1 driver does a big :facepalm

haha yah… not in my civic though.

lol, not in alotta peoples civics… Im sure theres 2 or 3 around here tho that would put up a fight.