How is everyone's 401k doing?

Ok, so explain to me this. You want people to dump cash into a market in an effort to “buy low, sell high”. But, the market has shown a proclivity to fall through the fucking floor in the foreseeable future. So, right now its high and going low, how does it make sense for the individual investor to throw money into the market right now?

It doesn’t. I understand your thought on a larger scale that if a lot of money is artificially introduced into the market it will prop up stock prices, and you can only prop up a sagging stock market so long by doing that.

So, in short, no, throwing money into this market as an individual investor right now is not smart. No, this is not a classic “buy low, sell high” situation.

And seriously, not to shit on you, but just because you have a finance degree doesn’t mean you understand the markets. I know plenty of people with finance degrees that are doing checkout at Giant Eagle.