How is this even possible!

Ive seen hella-flush. Ive seen neg camber.
Ive never seen this!
Seriously WTH lol

It’s made possible by an excess amount of money and a serious lack of brains.

My question really is, WTF do these people accomplish doing this besides looking like the biggest tard at a car meet.

This is the type of guy that gets out of his car with a big smile on his face… but everyone is pointing and laughing at him and his car. lol

This got posted on StanceEast and the consensus was retarded.

thats just flat out stupid it prob goes through a set of tires every time he drives it.

[sarcasm]Guys, he’s just expressing himself[/sarcasm]

Not impressed.

im all for stance, stretch and camber but thats just flat out dumb and unnecessary

Maybe someone should punch him in the face…twice.


I see what you did there…

This is how all the SIQ cambered, stretched and poked cars look to people who don’t have SIQ cambered, stretched, and poked cars.

Isn’t this like super siq demon camber or some dumb shit like that?

I hope the VW kids don’t see this.

Is it just me or does it sound like it has some massive diarrhea issues

Doing it wrong!

I can’t think of anything good to say.

lol at yamba6 … nice one

Hmmm newman showed me a pic of that once, I didn’t believe it was real. It is fairly ridiculous haha

Agree’d! This should be used more.